Reza jafari
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Cited by
Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis of sunspot time series
MS Movahed, GR Jafari, F Ghasemi, S Rahvar, MRR Tabar
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2006 (02), P02003, 2006
Network analysis of a financial market based on genuine correlation and threshold method
A Namaki, AH Shirazi, R Raei, GR Jafari
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 390 (21-22), 3835-3841, 2011
Memory effects on epidemic evolution: The susceptible-infected-recovered epidemic model
M Saeedian, M Khalighi, N Azimi-Tafreshi, GR Jafari, M Ausloos
Physical Review E 95 (2), 022409, 2017
Multifractal detrended cross-correlation analysis of temporal and spatial seismic data
S Shadkhoo, GR Jafari
The European Physical Journal B 72, 679-683, 2009
Stochastic analysis and regeneration of rough surfaces
GR Jafari, SM Fazeli, F Ghasemi, SMV Allaei, MRR Tabar, AI Zad, ...
Physical review letters 91 (22), 226101, 2003
Application of multifractal measures to Tehran price index
P Norouzzadeh, GR Jafari
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 356 (2-4), 609-627, 2005
Long-range correlation and multifractality in Bach’s inventions pitches
GR Jafari, P Pedram, L Hedayatifar
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2007 (04), P04012, 2007
Mapping stochastic processes onto complex networks
AH Shirazi, GR Jafari, J Davoudi, J Peinke, MRR Tabar, M Sahimi
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2009 (07), P07046, 2009
Coupling detrended fluctuation analysis for analyzing coupled nonstationary signals
L Hedayatifar, M Vahabi, GR Jafari
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (2 …, 2011
Markov analysis and Kramers-Moyal expansion of nonstationary stochastic processes with application to the fluctuations in the oil price
F Ghasemi, M Sahimi, J Peinke, R Friedrich, GR Jafari, MRR Tabar
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 75 (6 …, 2007
Aging scaled Brownian motion
H Safdari, AV Chechkin, GR Jafari, R Metzler
Physical Review E 91 (4), 042107, 2015
Scaling, multifractality, and long-range correlations in well log data of large-scale porous media
H Dashtian, GR Jafari, M Sahimi, M Masihi
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 390 (11), 2096-2111, 2011
Topological impact of negative links on the stability of resting-state brain network
M Saberi, R Khosrowabadi, A Khatibi, B Misic, G Jafari
Scientific Reports volume 11, Article number: 2176 & BioRxiv, 2021
Epidemic spreading on evolving signed networks
JK M. Saeedian, N. Azimi-Tafreshi, G. R. Jafari
Physical Review E 95, 022314, 2017
Demythifying the belief in cryptocurrencies decentralized aspects. A study of cryptocurrencies time cross-correlations with common currencies, commodities and financial indices
SA Manavi, G Jafari, S Rouhani, M Ausloos
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 556, 124759, 2020
Mean-field solution of structural balance dynamics in nonzero temperature
F Rabbani, AH Shirazi, GR Jafari
Physical Review E 99 (6), 062302, 2019
Controlling surface statistical properties using bias voltage: Atomic force microscopy and stochastic analysis
P Sangpour, GR Jafari, O Akhavan, AZ Moshfegh, MRR Tabar
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (15), 155423, 2005
Fractional dynamics of network growth constrained by aging node interactions
H Safdari, M Zare Kamali, A Shirazi, M Khalighi, G Jafari, M Ausloos
PLOS one 11 (5), e0154983, 2016
Quantifying memory in complex physiological time-series
AH Shirazi, MR Raoufy, H Ebadi, M De Rui, S Schiff, R Mazloom, ...
PLoS One 8 (9), e72854, 2013
Why does the Standard GARCH (1, 1) model work well?
GR Jafari, A Bahraminasab, P Norouzzadeh
International Journal of modern physics C 18 (07), 1223-1230, 2007
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Articles 1–20