Rohit Trivedi
Rohit Trivedi
Associate Professor Strategic Marketing at University of Bradford
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Causality analysis of media influence on environmental attitude, intention and behaviors leading to green purchasing
RH Trivedi, JD Patel, N Acharya
Journal of Cleaner Production 196, 11-22, 2018
Does university play significant role in shaping entrepreneurial intention? A cross-country comparative analysis
R Trivedi
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 23 (3), 790-811, 2016
Evaluating the educational effectiveness of simulation games: A value generation model
A Ranchhod, C Gurău, E Loukis, R Trivedi
Information Sciences 264, 75-90, 2014
Self-identity and internal environmental locus of control: Comparing their influences on green purchase intentions in high-context versus low-context cultures
JD Patel, RH Trivedi, A Yagnik
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 53, 102003, 2020
Mapping hotel brand positioning and competitive landscapes by text-mining user-generated content
F Hu, RH Trivedi
International Journal of Hospitality Management 84, 102317, 2020
Entrepreneurial-intention constraint model: A comparative analysis among post-graduate management students in India, Singapore and Malaysia
RH Trivedi
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 13 (4), 1239-1261, 2017
Pro-environmental behaviour, locus of control and willingness to pay for environmental friendly products
RH Trivedi, JD Patel, JR Savalia
Marketing Intelligence & Planning 33 (1), 67-89, 2015
How to implement informational and emotional appeals in print advertisements: A framework for choosing ad appeals based on advertisers' objectives and targeted demographics
T Teichert, D Hardeck, Y Liu, R Trivedi
Journal of Advertising Research 58 (3), 363-379, 2018
Effectiveness of pull-based print advertising with QR codes: Role of consumer involvement and advertisement appeal
R Trivedi, T Teichert, D Hardeck
European Journal of Marketing 54 (1), 145-167, 2020
The effect of ad smiles on consumer attitudes and intentions: Influence of model gender and consumer gender
RH Trivedi, T Teichert
Journal of Business Research 99, 197-205, 2019
The Janus-faced role of gambling flow in addiction issues
RH Trivedi, T Teichert
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 20 (3), 180-186, 2017
Effects of energy management practices on environmental performance of Indian small-and medium-sized enterprises
JD Patel, R Shah, RH Trivedi
Journal of Cleaner Production, 130170, 2021
Mask wearing as a prosocial consumption behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic: an application of the theory of reasoned action
CL Ackermann, H Sun, T Teichert, C Tercia, R Trivedi
Journal of Marketing Management 37 (17-18), 1840-1865, 2021
Are we committed to teach entrepreneurship in business school? An empirical analysis of lecturers in India, Singapore and Malaysia
R H. Trivedi
Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy …, 2014
Consumer reactions to nudity in print advertising: Comparing same‐gender and opposite‐gender effects
RH Trivedi, T Teichert
Psychology & Marketing 38 (5), 819-833, 2021
Does explicit comparative advertising affect Indian consumers’ attitudes towards low and high-involvement product?
V Jain, RH Trivedi, V Joshi, A Daswani
International Journal of Emerging Markets 10 (1), 122-140, 2015
Perceived service quality, repeat use of healthcare services and inpatient satisfaction in emerging economy: Empirical evidences from India
R Trivedi, K Jagani
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing 12 (3), 288-306, 2018
Pro-environmental behavior of consumers: A taxonomy and its implications for the green marketer
R Trivedi, J Patel, R Savalia
South Asian Journal of Management 18 (4), 121-132, 2011
Using hotel reviews to assess hotel frontline employees’ roles and performances
F Hu, R Trivedi, T Teichert
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 34 (5), 1796-1822, 2022
Financing constraints, intellectual property rights protection and incremental innovation: Evidence from transition economy firms
J Abdin, A Sharma, R Trivedi, C Wang
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 198, 122982, 2024
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Articles 1–20