Ruediger Grunwald
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Cited by
Femtosecond laser-induced periodic surface structures revisited: A comparative study on ZnO
D Dufft, A Rosenfeld, SK Das, R Grunwald, J Bonse
Journal of Applied Physics 105 (3), 2009
Localized waves
HE Hernández-Figueroa, M Zamboni-Rached, E Recami
Wiley-Interscience, 2008
Non-diffracting waves
HE Hernández-Figueroa, M Zamboni-Rached, E Recami
John Wiley & Sons, 2013
Laser Processing and Diagnostics: Proceedings of an International Conference, University of Linz, Austria, July 15–19, 1984
D Bäuerle
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Formation of laser-induced periodic surface structures on fused silica upon multiple cross-polarized double-femtosecond-laser-pulse irradiation sequences
M Rohloff, SK Das, S Höhm, R Grunwald, A Rosenfeld, J Krüger, J Bonse
Journal of Applied Physics 110 (1), 2011
Generation and characterization of spatially and temporally localized few-cycle optical wave packets
R Grunwald, V Kebbel, U Griebner, U Neumann, A Kummrow, M Rini, ...
Physical Review A 67 (6), 063820, 2003
Second-harmonic efficiency of ZnO nanolayers
U Neumann, R Grunwald, U Griebner, G Steinmeyer, W Seeber
Applied physics letters 84 (2), 170-172, 2004
Generation of femtosecond Bessel beams with microaxicon arrays
R Grunwald, U Griebner, F Tschirschwitz, ETJ Nibbering, T Elsaesser, ...
Optics Letters 25 (13), 981-983, 2000
Multiphoton excitation of surface plasmon-polaritons and scaling of nanoripple formation in large bandgap materials
SK Das, H Messaoudi, A Debroy, E McGlynn, R Grunwald
Optical Materials Express 3 (10), 1705-1715, 2013
Efficient laser operation with nearly diffraction-limited output from a diode-pumped heavily Nd-doped multimode fiber
U Griebner, R Koch, H Schönnagel, R Grunwald
Optics letters 21 (4), 266-268, 1996
Extended-area nanostructuring of TiO2 with femtosecond laser pulses at 400 nm using a line focus
SK Das, K Dasari, A Rosenfeld, R Grunwald
Nanotechnology 21 (15), 155302, 2010
Growth, optical characterization, and laser operation of epitaxial Yb: KY (WO4) 2∕ KY (WO4) 2 composites with monoclinic structure
A Aznar, R Solé, M Aguiló, F Díaz, U Griebner, R Grunwald, V Petrov
Applied physics letters 85 (19), 4313-4315, 2004
Highly efficient THG in TiO2 nanolayers for third-order pulse characterization
SK Das, C Schwanke, A Pfuch, W Seeber, M Bock, G Steinmeyer, ...
Optics express 19 (18), 16985-16995, 2011
Prospects of target nanostructuring for laser proton acceleration
A Lübcke, AA Andreev, S Höhm, R Grunwald, L Ehrentraut, M Schnürer
Scientific reports 7 (1), 44030, 2017
Few-cycle high-contrast vortex pulses
M Bock, J Jahns, R Grunwald
Optics Letters 37 (18), 3804-3806, 2012
Femtosecond-laser-induced quasiperiodic nanostructures on TiO2 surfaces
SK Das, D Dufft, A Rosenfeld, J Bonse, M Bock, R Grunwald
Journal of Applied Physics 105 (8), 2009
Efficient second harmonic generation in ZnO nanorod arrays with broadband ultrashort pulses
SK Das, M Bock, C O'Neill, R Grunwald, KM Lee, HW Lee, S Lee, ...
Applied Physics Letters 93 (18), 2008
Thin film micro-optics: new frontiers of spatio-temporal beam shaping
R Grunwald
Elsevier, 2007
Ultrashort-pulse wave-front autocorrelation
R Grunwald, U Neumann, U Griebner, K Reimann, G Steinmeyer, ...
Optics letters 28 (23), 2399-2401, 2003
Programmable ultrashort-pulsed flying images
M Bock, SK Das, R Grunwald
Optics Express 17 (9), 7465-7478, 2009
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Articles 1–20