Nor Raihana Mohd Ali
Nor Raihana Mohd Ali
Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics, UTM Kuala Lumpur
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Cited by
The Influence of Religiosity on Taxpayers’ Compliance Attitudes: Empirical Evidence from a Mixed-Methods Study.
R Mohdali
25th Australian Tax Teachers Association (ATTA) Conference, Auckland, 2013
The impact of threat of punishment on tax compliance and non-compliance attitudes in Malaysia
R Mohdali, K Isa, SH Yusoff
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 164, 291-297, 2014
The Role of Religiosity in Tax Morale and Tax Compliance
J Pope, R Mohdali
Australia Tax Forum 25, 565, 2010
The impact of Religiosity on Tax Compliance among Turkish Self-employed Taxpayers
S Benk, T Budak, B Yusbasi, R Mohdali
Religions 7 (4), 1-10, 2016
The Effect of Religiosity and External Environment on Voluntary Tax Compliance
R Mohdali, J Pope
New Zealand Journal of Tax Law and Policy 18 (2), 119-139, 2012
Trust in government and perceptions of tax compliance among adolescents
SC Saruji, R Mohdali, NNN Mohamed
Journal of Advanced Research Design 61 (1), 19-29, 2019
The role of tax agents in sustaining the Malaysian tax system
KM Isa, SH Yussof, R Mohdali
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 164, 366-371, 2014
The influence of religiosity on tax compliance in Malaysia
NR Mohd Ali
Curtin University, 2013
A Cross-cultural Study of Religiosity and Tax Compliance Attitudes in Malaysia and Turkey
R Mohdali, S Benk, B Tamer, K , Isa, SH Yussof
eJournal of Tax Research 15 (3), 490-505, 2017
An analysis of the gap between accounting depreciation and tax capital allowance in Malaysia
SH Yussof, K Isa, R Mohdali
Procedia-social and behavioral sciences 164, 351-357, 2014
The influence of religiosity on tax compliance in Malaysia
M Ali, N Raihana
Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia, 2013
Mobile learning in Malaysia education institutions
M Masrom, AS Nadzari, NHN Mahmood, WNW Zakaria, NRM Ali
Issues in Information Systems 17 (4), 152-157, 2016
Exploring sustainable human resource management change in the context of digital banking
KA Latif, NHN Mahmood, NRM Ali
Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques 8 (2), 779-786, 2020
Prevalence and pattern of rheumatic heart disease in the frontier province of Pakistan.
M Ilyas, MA Peracha, R Ahmad, N Khan, N Ali, M Janjua
Measuring the extent of investor relations on the web: a multi-dimensional approach
NA Halim, R Basiruddin, NRM Ali
Procedia Economics and Finance 31, 714-721, 2015
The Effects of Religiosity and Taxpayers’ Perceptions towards Government on Voluntary Tax Compliance
R Mohdali
24th Australian Tax Teachers Association (ATTA) Conference, Sydney, 2012
Mobile App for Learning Economics Terminologies
WNW Zakaria, H Abas, M Masrom, R Mohdali, NNN Mohamed
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences 9 …, 2019
Religiosity and Tax Compliance: A Comparative Study between Malaysia and Turkey
R Mohdali, S Benk, B T., K Isa, SH Yussof
AusTaxPolicy Blog by Australia National University, 2018
The Impact of Social Norms on Voluntary Tax Compliance in Malaysia
R Mohdali, W Normeza, FR Lokman
International Conference of Engineering, Business Management (ICEBM) 2015 4 …, 2015
Exploring the changing human resource management role in the context of digital banking transformation
KA Latif, NHN Mahmood, NRM Ali
Open International Journal of Informatics 7 (2), 1-13, 2019
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Articles 1–20