Diogo Conque Seco Ferreira
Cited by
Cited by
Parasite stress and pathogen avoidance relate to distinct dimensions of political ideology across 30 nations
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of …, 2016
Public-private partnerships in health care services: Do they outperform public hospitals regarding quality and access? Evidence from Portugal
DC Ferreira, RC Marques
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 73, 100798, 2021
Do quality and access to hospital services impact on their technical efficiency?
DC Ferreira, RC Marques
Omega 86, 218-236, 2019
Did the corporatization of Portuguese hospitals significantly change their productivity?
D Ferreira, RC Marques
The European Journal of Health Economics 16, 289-303, 2015
Intolerance of uncertainty and mental health in Brazil during the Covid-19 pandemic
DC Seco Ferreira, WL Oliveira, ZN Costa Delabrida, A Faro, ...
Suma Psicológica 27 (1), 62-69, 2020
Patients’ satisfaction: The medical appointments valence in Portuguese public hospitals
DC Ferreira, RC Marques, AM Nunes, JR Figueira
Omega 80, 58-76, 2018
Are there scale economies in urban waste and wastewater municipal services? A non-radial input-oriented model applied to the Portuguese local government
P Caldas, D Ferreira, B Dollery, R Marques
Journal of Cleaner Production 219, 531-539, 2019
Tears evoke the intention to offer social support: A systematic investigation of the interpersonal effects of emotional crying across 41 countries
JH Zickfeld, N Van De Ven, O Pich, TW Schubert, JB Berkessel, JJ Pizarro, ...
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 95, 104137, 2021
Effects of background music on consumer behaviour: behavioural account of the consumer setting
DCS Ferreira, JM Oliveira-Castro
The Service Industries Journal 31 (15), 2571-2585, 2011
Dynamics of repeat buying for packaged food products
JM Oliveira-Castro, DCS Ferreira, GR Foxall, TC Schrezenmaier
Journal of Marketing Management 21 (1-2), 37-61, 2005
Economic analysis of Portuguese public hospitals through the construction of quality, efficiency, access, and financial related composite indicators
R Matos, D Ferreira, MI Pedro
Social Indicators Research 157, 361-392, 2021
Identifying congestion levels, sources and determinants on intensive care units: the Portuguese case
D Ferreira, RC Marques
Health Care Management Science 21, 348-375, 2018
A forecasting approach to improve control and management for 5G networks
D Ferreira, AB Reis, C Senna, S Sargento
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 18 (2), 1817-1831, 2021
Economia comportamental: Uma introdução para analistas do comportamento
ACT Franceschini, DCS Ferreira
Revista Interamericana de Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology 46 …, 2012
Preferência por estilos de filmes e suas diferenças nos cinco fatores de personalidade
CE Pimentel, DCS Ferreira
Revista Pesquisas e Práticas Psicossociais 9 (2), 233-243, 2014
What consumers say and do: planned and actual amounts bought in relation to brand benefits
RB Porto, JM Oliveira-Castro, DC Seco-Ferreira
The service industries journal 31 (15), 2559-2570, 2011
Physical rehabilitation based on kinect serious games
D Ferreira, R Oliveira, O Postolache
2017 Eleventh international conference on sensing technology (ICST), 1-6, 2017
A critical look at the Portuguese public–private partnerships in healthcare
MA Pereira, DC Ferreira, RC Marques
The International Journal of Health Planning and Management 36 (2), 302-315, 2021
Optimizing payments based on efficiency, quality, complexity, and heterogeneity: the case of hospital funding
DC Ferreira, AM Nunes, RC Marques
International Transactions in Operational Research 27 (4), 1930-1961, 2020
Serious games based on kinect and leap motion controller for upper limbs physical rehabilitation
G Postolache, F Carry, F Lourenço, D Ferreira, R Oliveira, PS Girão, ...
Modern sensing technologies, 147-177, 2019
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Articles 1–20