ridwan sutriadi
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Cited by
Defining smart city, smart region, smart village, and technopolis as an innovative concept in indonesia’s urban and regional development themes to reach sustainability
R Sutriadi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 202, 012047, 2018
Reviving a city’s economic engine: the COVID-19 pandemic impact and the private sector’s engagement in Bandung City
AZ Miftah, I Widianingsih, EA Muhtar, R Sutriadi
Sustainability 15 (12), 9279, 2023
Low‐tech industry, regional innovation system and inter‐actor collaboration in Indonesia: The case of the Pekalongan batik industry
N Maninggar, D Hudalah, R Sutriadi, T Firman
Asia Pacific Viewpoint 59 (3), 249-264, 2018
Perspektif Perencana: Smart City, Inovasi, Kota Komunikatif, dan Kota Berkeadilan
R Sutriadi
Bandung: Inside Publisher, 2015
A communicative city as a preliminary step towards a technopolis agenda
R Sutriadi
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 227, 623-629, 2016
Towards a communicative city: Enhancing urban planning coordination by the support of information and communication technology. Case study Bandung Metropolitan Area, Indonesia
R Sutriadi, A Wulandari
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 135, 76-81, 2014
A phenomenon in urban disruption: the emergence of Coworking Spaces in Bandung
R Sutriadi, DM Fachryza
Heliyon 7 (7), 2021
Analysis of urban surface temperature for green spaces planning in Bandung city, Indonesia
IK Wardana
University of Twente, 2015
Mapping netizen perception on COVID-19 pandemic: A preliminary study of policy integration for pandemic response in Bandung city
AZ Miftah, I Widianingsih, EA Muhtar, R Sutriadi
KnE Social Sciences, 463–473-463–473, 2023
Communicative city features in technopole development: A case study in Bandung, Indonesia
R Sutriadi, FN Aziz, A Ramadhan
Journal of Regional and City Planning 33 (1), 84-110, 2022
Perencanaan kota abad 21: inovasi dan tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan
R Sutriadi
ITB Press, 2018
Discussing cities and regencies in the context of Regional Rating System. Promoting communication, reaching sustainable growth
R Sutriadi, AA Safrianty, A Ramadhan
Procedia Environmental Sciences 28, 166-175, 2015
Place branding as the development of thematic city digital era
R Sutriadi, I Rashad, A Ramadhan
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 592 (1), 012032, 2020
Buruan Sae, a Green Action towards a Communicative City in Bandung City, West Java Indonesia
R Sutriadi, FZ Fahmi, A Arifianto, FI Muttaqin
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1015 (1), 012023, 2022
Beyond City Branding: The Emergence of Soft Infrastructure in Digital Transformation towards Urban Planning Research Roadmap Reformulation.
R Sutriadi, A Ramadhan, N Budisiswanto
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering & Information …, 2023
Reviving Bandung’s Economic Engine: COVID-19 Pandemic Impact and the Private Sector’s Engagement
AZ Miftah, I Widianingsih, EA Muhtar, R Sutriadi
Preprints, 2023
City thematic approach to achieve liveable city: case study of Bandung City
R Sutriadi, A Noviansyah
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 778 (1), 012020, 2021
A phenomenon in urban disruption: the emergence of Coworking Spaces in Bandung. Heliyon, 7 (7), e07663
R Sutriadi, DM Fachryza
Media sosial dan perencanaan kota
R Sutriadi
ITB Press, 2017
Adaptasi Pengembangan Komponen Ketercapaian Smart City (Studi Kasus Pengukuran Tingkat Smart City Di Kota Palu
M Ikhwan, R Sutriadi
Jurnal Perencanan Wilayah Dan Kota-SAPPK, 2018
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Articles 1–20