Monique Soares
Monique Soares
Computer Science Ph.D.
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Cited by
Variability management in dynamic software product lines: A systematic mapping
G Guedes, C Silva, M Soares, J Castro
2015 IX Brazilian Symposium on Components, Architectures and Reuse Software …, 2015
iStarTool: Modeling Requirements using the i* Framework.
Á Malta, M Soares, E Santos, J Paes, FMR Alencar, J Castro
IStar, 163-165, 2011
Comparing configuration approaches for dynamic software product lines
G Guedes, C Silva, M Soares
Proceedings of the XXXI Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 134-143, 2017
Realidade aumentada para o ensino de geometria espacial
RL Rodrigues, M Soares, GG Souza, A Lacerda, C Souza, AS Gomes, ...
Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education (Simpósio Brasileiro de …, 2010
Core ontology to aid the goal oriented specification for self-adaptive systems
M Soares, J Vilela, G Guedes, C Silva, J Castro
New Advances in Information Systems and Technologies, 609-618, 2016
25 Years of Requirements Engineering in Brazil: A Systematic Mapping.
K Oliveira, J Pimentel, E Santos, D Dermeval, G Guedes, C Souza, ...
CIbSE, 357-373, 2013
Usability and software architecture: a literature review
J Vilela, B Figueiredo, J Castro, M Soares, E Gonçalves
2015 IX Brazilian Symposium on Components, Architectures and Reuse Software …, 2015
Deriving the behavior of context-sensitive systems from contextual goal models
J Vilela, J Castro, J Pimentel, M Soares, P Cavalcanti, M Lucena
Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1397-1400, 2015
GS2SPL: Goals and Scenarios to Software Product Lines.
G Guedes, CTLL Silva, J Castro, M Soares, D Dermeval, C Souza
SEKE, 651-656, 2012
Automatic Generation of Architectural Models From Goals Models.
M Soares, J Pimentel, J Castro, CTLL Silva, CTN Souza, G Guedes, ...
SEKE 2012, 444-447, 2012
AIRDoc-i*: um processo para avaliação de modelos i*.
C Souza, FMR Alencar, G Guedes, M Soares, C Souza, RA Ramos, ...
WER, 2012
Towards an i*-based Architecture Derivation Approach.
D Dermeval, M Soares, FMR Alencar, E Santos, J Pimentel, J Castro, ...
iStar, 66-71, 2011
Avaliação de Modelos i* com o Processo AIRDoc-i.
C Souza, C Souza, FMR Alencar, J Castro, E Figueiredo, P Cavalcanti
ER@ BR, 2013
Using tranformation rules to align requirements and archictectural models
MC Soares, CTLLS Schuenemann, GG De Souza, JFB De Castro, ...
2013 27th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 11-20, 2013
Automatização das Regras de Transformação do Processo STREAM
MC Soares
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2012
Survey Evaluation of an Approach for Dynamic Software Product Lines
G Guedes, C Silva, M Soares
WER, 2020
An ontology to aid the goal-oriented requirements elicitation and specification for self-adaptive systems
MC Soares
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2017
Requirements and Architectures for Adaptive Systems.
J Pimentel, J Castro, E Santos, M Soares, J Vilela, G Guedes
ER@ BR, 2013
Ferramentas de Suporte a MDD: Um Quadro Comparativo
MC Soares, AML de Vasconcelos
International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management 8 …, 2011
Model Assets: Um padrão de arquitetura de utilização de técnicas de MDE para geração de artefatos
PA de Sousa Duarte¹, VS Viana, RMC Andrade¹, F AM, J Trinta¹, ...
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Articles 1–20