Ulf Garbe
Ulf Garbe
Instrument Scientist
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StressTextureCalculator: a software tool to extract texture, strain and microstructure information from area-detector measurements
C Randau, U Garbe, HG Brokmeier
Journal of Applied Crystallography 44 (3), 641-646, 2011
The new materials science diffractometer STRESS-SPEC at FRM-II
M Hofmann, GA Seidl, J Rebelo-Kornmeier, U Garbe, R Schneider, ...
Materials science forum 524, 211-216, 2006
A new neutron radiography/tomography/imaging station DINGO at OPAL
U Garbe, T Randall, C Hughes, G Davidson, S Pangelis, SJ Kennedy
Physics Procedia 69, 27-32, 2015
Robocasting of dense yttria-stabilized zirconia structures
E Peng, X Wei, U Garbe, D Yu, B Edouard, A Liu, J Ding
Journal of Materials Science 53, 247-273, 2018
Texture analysis with high-energy synchrotron radiation
L Wcislak, H Klein, HJ Bunge, U Garbe, T Tschentscher, JR Schneider
Journal of applied crystallography 35 (1), 82-95, 2002
Orientation relationship of Widmannstätten plates in an iron meteorite measured with high-energy synchrotron radiation
HJ Bunge, W Weiss, H Klein, L Wcislak, U Garbe, JR Schneider
Journal of applied crystallography 36 (1), 137-140, 2003
The strain-scanning diffractometer Kowari
O Kirstein, V Luzin, U Garbe
Neutron News 20 (4), 34-36, 2009
Ferrite-based soft and hard magnetic structures by extrusion free-forming
E Peng, X Wei, TS Herng, U Garbe, D Yu, J Ding
RSC advances 7 (43), 27128-27138, 2017
Neutron ghost imaging
AM Kingston, GR Myers, D Pelliccia, F Salvemini, JJ Bevitt, U Garbe, ...
Physical Review A 101 (5), 053844, 2020
Elements for the origin of life on land: a deep-time perspective from the Pilbara Craton of Western Australia
MJ Van Kranendonk, R Baumgartner, T Djokic, T Ota, L Steller, U Garbe, ...
Astrobiology 21 (1), 39-59, 2021
Texture and microstructure imaging in six dimensions with high-energy synchrotron radiation
HJ Bunge, L Wcislak, H Klein, U Garbe, JR Schneider
Journal of applied crystallography 36 (5), 1240-1255, 2003
Assessing carbonation in one-part fly ash/slag geopolymer mortar: Change in pore characteristics using the state-of-the-art technique neutron tomography
TH Vu, N Gowripalan, P De Silva, A Paradowska, U Garbe, P Kidd, ...
Cement and Concrete Composites 114, 103759, 2020
Microstructure and texture analysis of δ-hydride precipitation in Zircaloy-4 materials by electron microscopy and neutron diffraction
Z Wang, U Garbe, H Li, Y Wang, AJ Studer, G Sun, RP Harrison, X Liao, ...
Journal of Applied Crystallography 47 (1), 303-315, 2014
A novel granular sludge-based and highly corrosion-resistant bio-concrete in sewers
Y Song, K Chetty, U Garbe, J Wei, H Bu, L O'moore, X Li, Z Yuan, ...
Science of The Total Environment 791, 148270, 2021
Torsion texture measurements with high-energy synchrotron radiation on NiAl
W Skrotzki*, B Klöden, R Tamm, CG Oertel, U Garbe, E Rybacki
Textures and microstructures 35 (3-4), 163-173, 2003
In situ observation of dynamic recrystallization in the bulk of zirconium alloy
KD Liss, U Garbe, H Li, T Schambron, JD Almer, K Yan
Advanced engineering materials 11 (8), 637-640, 2009
Texture and microstructure analysis with high‐energy synchrotron radiation
HJ Bunge, L Wcislak, H Klein, U Garbe, JR Schneider
Advanced Engineering Materials 4 (5), 300-305, 2002
Self-healing bioconcrete based on non-axenic granules: A potential solution for concrete wastewater infrastructure
K Chetty, S Xie, Y Song, T McCarthy, U Garbe, X Li, G Jiang
Journal of Water Process Engineering 42, 102139, 2021
Porosity analysis of carbon fibre-reinforced polymer laminates manufactured using automated fibre placement
E Oromiehie, U Garbe, B Gangadhara Prusty
Journal of Composite Materials 54 (9), 1217-1231, 2020
Hydride precipitation and its influence on mechanical properties of notched and unnotched Zircaloy-4 plates
Z Wang, U Garbe, H Li, RP Harrison, K Toppler, AJ Studer, T Palmer, ...
Journal of nuclear materials 436 (1-3), 84-92, 2013
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Articles 1–20