Rozilawati Razali
Rozilawati Razali
Faculty of Information Science and Technology
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A review of scaling agile methods in large software development
M Alqudah, R Razali
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information …, 2016
Usability dimensions for mobile applications-a review
R Baharuddin, D Singh, R Razali
Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol 5 (6), 2225-2231, 2013
Comparative review study of reactive and proactive routing protocols in MANETs
S Mohseni, R Hassan, A Patel, R Razali
4th IEEE International Conference on Digital ecosystems and technologies …, 2010
Prioritizing requirements in agile development: A conceptual framework
RH AL-Ta’ani, R Razali
Procedia Technology 11, 733-739, 2013
Selecting the right stakeholders for requirements elicitation: a systematic approach
R Razali, F Anwar
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 33 (2), 250-257, 2011
Key factors for selecting an Agile method: A systematic literature review
MK Alqudah, R Razali
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information …, 2017
Key factors for e-government towards sustainable development goals
MH Othman, R Razali, MF Nasrudin
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 29 (6), 2864-2876, 2020
An empirical study of Scrumban formation based on the selection of scrum and Kanban practices
M Alqudah, R Razali
Int. J. Adv. Sci. Eng. Inf. Technol 8 (6), 2315-2322, 2018
A practical guide to requirements elicitation techniques selection-an empirical study
F Anwar, R Razali
Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 11 (8), 1059-1067, 2012
An empirical study of information security management success factors
M Zammani, R Razali
Commitment 5 (7), 2016
A comparison of scrum and Kanban for identifying their selection factors
M Alqudah, R Razali
2017 6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics …, 2017
A framework for requirements prioritisation process in an agile software development environment: empirical study
RH Al-Ta’ani, R Razali
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information …, 2016
An assessment model of information security implementation levels
MAM Stambul, R Razali
Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Electrical Engineering …, 2011
Whole of government critical success factors towards integrated e-government services: A preliminary review
MH Othman, R Razali
Jurnal Pengurusan 53, 73-82, 2018
Experimental Comparison of the Comprehensibility of a UML-based Formal Specification versus a Textual One
R Razali, CF Snook, MR Poppleton, PW Garratt, R Walters
11th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software …, 2007
Team formation for agile software development: a review
P Zainal, D Razali, Z Mansor
Int. J. Adv. Sci. Eng. Inf. Technol 10 (2), 555-561, 2020
Reviews on cybercrime affecting portable devices
S Safavi, Z Shukur, R Razali
Procedia Technology 11, 650-657, 2013
Human resources information systems (HRIS) for military domain-a conceptual framework
MM Noor, R Razali
Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Electrical Engineering …, 2011
Combinatorial test suites generation strategy utilizing the whale optimization algorithm
AA Hassan, S Abdullah, KZ Zamli, R Razali
IEEE Access 8, 192288-192303, 2020
Achieving effective communication during requirements elicitation-A conceptual framework
F Anwar, R Razali, K Ahmad
Software Engineering and Computer Systems: Second International Conference …, 2011
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Articles 1–20