J.-J. Roux
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Cited by
A review on phase change materials integrated in building walls
F Kuznik, D David, K Johannes, JJ Roux
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (1), 379-391, 2011
Energetic efficiency of room wall containing PCM wallboard: a full-scale experimental investigation
F Kuznik, J Virgone, JJ Roux
Energy and buildings 40 (2), 148-156, 2008
Development and characterisation of a new MgSO4− zeolite composite for long-term thermal energy storage
S Hongois, F Kuznik, P Stevens, JJ Roux
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 95 (7), 1831-1837, 2011
LBM based flow simulation using GPU computing processor
F Kuznik, C Obrecht, G Rusaouen, JJ Roux
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 59 (7), 2380-2392, 2010
Validation of a hybrid forecasting system for the ozone concentrations over the Paris area
R Vautard, M Beekmann, J Roux, D Gombert
Atmospheric Environment 35 (14), 2449-2461, 2001
Three-dimensional simulation with a CFD tool of the airflow phenomena in single floor double-skin facade equipped with a venetian blind
N Safer, M Woloszyn, JJ Roux
Solar Energy 79 (2), 193-203, 2005
Modeling the heating and cooling energy demand of urban buildings at city scale
L Frayssinet, L Merlier, F Kuznik, JL Hubert, M Milliez, JJ Roux
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81, 2318-2327, 2018
A new approach to the lattice Boltzmann method for graphics processing units
C Obrecht, F Kuznik, B Tourancheau, JJ Roux
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 61 (12), 3628-3638, 2011
Peak load reductions: Electric load shifting with mechanical pre-cooling of residential buildings with low thermal mass
WJN Turner, IS Walker, J Roux
Energy 82, 1057-1067, 2015
Multi-GPU implementation of the lattice Boltzmann method
C Obrecht, F Kuznik, B Tourancheau, JJ Roux
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 65 (2), 252-261, 2013
Excess risk of urinary tract cancers in patients receiving thiopurines for inflammatory bowel disease: a prospective observational cohort study
A Bourrier, F Carrat, JF Colombel, AM Bouvier, V Abitbol, P Marteau, ...
Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics 43 (2), 252-261, 2016
High risk of anal and rectal cancer in patients with anal and/or perianal Crohn’s disease
L Beaugerie, F Carrat, S Nahon, JD Zeitoun, JM Sabaté, L Peyrin-Biroulet, ...
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 16 (6), 892-899. e2, 2018
Modelling of hysteresis influence on mass transfer in building materials
J Kwiatkowski, M Woloszyn, JJ Roux
Building and Environment 44 (3), 633-642, 2009
Damage monitoring in fibre reinforced mortar by combined digital image correlation and acoustic emission
S Rouchier, G Foray, N Godin, M Woloszyn, JJ Roux
Construction and Building Materials 38, 371-380, 2013
Urban energy simulation: Simplification and reduction of building envelope models
EJ Kim, G Plessis, JL Hubert, JJ Roux
Energy and Buildings 84, 193-202, 2014
Dynamical building simulation: A low order model for thermal bridges losses
Y Gao, JJ Roux, LH Zhao, Y Jiang
Energy and Buildings 40 (12), 2236-2243, 2008
Effect of 2D modelling of thermal bridges on the energy performance of buildings: Numerical application on the Matisse apartment
F Déqué, F Ollivier, JJ Roux
Energy and buildings 33 (6), 583-587, 2001
Scalable lattice Boltzmann solvers for CUDA GPU clusters
C Obrecht, F Kuznik, B Tourancheau, JJ Roux
Parallel Computing 39 (6-7), 259-270, 2013
Thermal control of a discontinuously occupied building using a classical and a fuzzy logic approach
G Fraisse, J Virgone, JJ Roux
Energy and buildings 26 (3), 303-316, 1997
Reduced linear state model of hollow blocks walls, validation using hot box measurements
Y Gao, JJ Roux, C Teodosiu, LH Zhao
Energy and buildings 36 (11), 1107-1115, 2004
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Articles 1–20