Professor M. Khurshid Khan
Professor M. Khurshid Khan
Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan (AWKUM)
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A study into the use of the process failure mode and effects analysis (PFMEA) in the automotive industry in the UK
KG Johnson, MK Khan
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 139 (1-3), 348-356, 2003
Investigation into the implementation stages of manufacturing and quality techniques and philosophies within the Libyan cement industry
R Abdullah Hokoma, MK Khan, K Hussain
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 19 (7), 893-907, 2008
Development of an expert system for implementation of ISO 9000 quality systems
MK Khan
Total Quality Management 10 (1), 47-59, 1999
The present status of quality and manufacturing management techniques and philosophies within the Libyan iron and steel industry
R Abdullah Hokoma, M Khurshid Khan, K Hussain
The TQM journal 22 (2), 209-221, 2010
An analytic hierarchy process approach to the choice of manufacturing plant layout
YT Abdul-Hamid, AK Kochhar, MK Khan
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of …, 1999
A hybrid knowledge-based performance measurement system
M Khurshid Khan, D Wibisono
Business Process Management Journal 14 (2), 129-146, 2008
Use of analytic hierarchy process approach in classification of push, pull and hybrid push-pull systems for production planning
J Razmi, H Rahnejat, MK Khan
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 18 (11), 1134-1151, 1998
Knowledge-Based Lean Six Sigma System for Enhancing Quality Management Performance in Healthcare Environment
Y Al Khamisi, MK Khan, JE Munive-Hernandez
Natural convection heat transfer in horizontal and inclined annuli of different diameter ratios
FA Hamad, MK Khan
Energy conversion and management 39 (8), 797-807, 1998
Knowledge-based Lean Six Sigma maintenance system for sustainable buildings
J Aldairi, MK Khan, JE Munive-Hernandez
International Journal of Lean Six Sigma 8 (1), 109-130, 2017
A multiposition hot-wire technique for the study of swirling flows in vortex chambers
A Fitouri, MK Khan, HH Bruun
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 10 (1), 142-151, 1995
Decomposition of manufacturing processes: A review
NMZ Mohamed, MK Khan
The new concept of manufacturing “DNA” within an analytic hierarchy process-driven expert system
J Razmi, H Rahnejat, MK Khan
European Journal of Innovation Management 3 (4), 199-211, 2000
Integrated manufacturing strategy for deployment of CADCAM methodology in a SMME
AO Esan, MK Khan, HS Qi, C Naylor
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 24 (2), 257-273, 2013
Design and development of Knowledge Based System for Integrated Maintenance Strategy and Operations
M Milana, MK Khan, JE Munive-Hernandez
Concurrent Engineering 25 (1), 5-18, 2017
Reliability analysis of automotive field failure warranty data
IF Campean, FP Kuhn, MK Khan
proceedings of the safety and reliability (ESREL), Turin, 1337-44, 2001
A Framework of Knowledge Based System for Integrated Maintenance Strategy and Operation.
MK Khan, JE Munive
Applied Mechanics & Materials, 2014
The current status of MRPII implementation in some key manufacturing industries within Libya: a survey investigation
RA Hokoma, MK Khan, K Hussain
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on CAD CAM, Robotics and …, 2006
A hybrid knowledge-based lean six sigma maintenance system for sustainable buildings
JS Aldairi, MK Khan, JE Munive-Hernandez
Transactions on Engineering Technologies, 355-369, 2016
A conceptual model for a hybrid knowledge-based Lean Six Sigma maintenance system for sustainable buildings
J Aldairi, M Khan, J Munive-Hernandez
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2, 2015
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Articles 1–20