Laura Smith
Laura Smith
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Cited by
Solar: Deep structured representations for model-based reinforcement learning
M Zhang, S Vikram, L Smith, P Abbeel, M Johnson, S Levine
International conference on machine learning, 7444-7453, 2019
Pebble: Feedback-efficient interactive reinforcement learning via relabeling experience and unsupervised pre-training
K Lee, L Smith, P Abbeel
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.05091, 2021
Avid: Learning multi-stage tasks via pixel-level translation of human videos
L Smith, N Dhawan, M Zhang, P Abbeel, S Levine
arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.04443, 2019
B-pref: Benchmarking preference-based reinforcement learning
K Lee, L Smith, A Dragan, P Abbeel
arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.03026, 2021
Efficient online reinforcement learning with offline data
PJ Ball, L Smith, I Kostrikov, S Levine
International Conference on Machine Learning, 1577-1594, 2023
Legged robots that keep on learning: Fine-tuning locomotion policies in the real world
L Smith, JC Kew, XB Peng, S Ha, J Tan, S Levine
2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 1593-1599, 2022
A walk in the park: Learning to walk in 20 minutes with model-free reinforcement learning
L Smith, I Kostrikov, S Levine
arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.07860, 2022
Offline meta-reinforcement learning with online self-supervision
VH Pong, AV Nair, LM Smith, C Huang, S Levine
International Conference on Machine Learning, 17811-17829, 2022
Learning and adapting agile locomotion skills by transferring experience
L Smith, JC Kew, T Li, L Luu, XB Peng, S Ha, J Tan, S Levine
arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.09834, 2023
Robopianist: A benchmark for high-dimensional robot control
K Zakka, L Smith, N Gileadi, T Howell, XB Peng, S Singh, Y Tassa, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.04150, 2023
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Articles 1–10