"Osvaldo de Melo" and "O de Melo Pereira"
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Cited by
Low resistivity cubic phase CdS films by chemical bath deposition technique
O De Melo, L Hernández, O Zelaya‐Angel, R Lozada‐Morales, M Becerril, ...
Applied physics letters 65 (10), 1278-1280, 1994
Influence of NH3 concentration and annealing in the properties of chemical bath deposited ZnS films
J Vidal, O Vigil, O De Melo, N Lopez, O Zelaya-Angel
Materials Chemistry and Physics 61 (2), 139-142, 1999
Influence of magnetic field and type of substrate on the growth of ZnS films by chemical bath
J Vidal, O De Melo, O Vigil, N Lopez, G Contreras-Puente, ...
Thin Solid Films 419 (1-2), 118-123, 2002
Band-gap shift in CdS: phase transition from cubic to hexagonal on thermal annealing
O Zelaya-Angel, L Hernandez, O De Melo, JJ Alvarado-Gil, ...
Vacuum 46 (8-10), 1083-1085, 1995
Optical and electrical properties of MoO2 and MoO3 thin films prepared from the chemically driven isothermal close space vapor transport technique
O de Melo, Y González, A Climent-Font, P Galán, A Ruediger, M Sánchez, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 31 (29), 295703, 2019
Photoluminescence study of gallium nitride thin films obtained by infrared close space vapor transport
G Santana, O De Melo, J Aguilar-Hernández, R Mendoza-Pérez, ...
Materials 6 (3), 1050-1060, 2013
Electro‐Optical Characterization of Sulfur‐Annealed Chemical‐Bath Deposited CdS Films
L Hernandez, O De Melo, O Zelaya‐Angel, R Lozada‐Morales, E Purón
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 141 (11), 3238, 1994
Growth of Cd (1− x) ZnxTe epitaxial layers by isothermal closed space sublimation
S Tobeñas, EM Larramendi, E Purón, O De Melo, F Cruz-Gandarilla, ...
Journal of crystal growth 234 (2-3), 311-317, 2002
Atomic layer epitaxy of ZnTe by isothermal closed space sublimation
EM Larramendi, E Purón, LC Hernández, M Sánchez, S De Roux, ...
Journal of Crystal Growth 223 (4), 447-449, 2001
Structure and growth rate of ZnTe films grown by isothermal closed space sublimation
O de Melo, EM Larramendi, JMM Duart, MH Vélez, J Stangl, H Sitter
Journal of Crystal Growth 307 (2), 253-258, 2007
CdS/CdTe heterostructures for applications in ultra-thin solar cells
K Gutierrez ZB, P G. Zayas-Bazán, O De Melo, F de Moure-Flores, ...
Materials 11 (10), 1788, 2018
Low temperature growth of epitaxial CdSe thin films by an isothermal closed space sublimation technique using two elemental sources
O De Melo, E Sánchez, H Rodrı́guez, S De Roux, F Rábago-Bernal, ...
Materials chemistry and physics 59 (2), 120-124, 1999
Chemically driven isothermal closed space vapor transport of MoO 2: thin films, flakes and in situ tellurization
O de Melo, L García-Pelayo, Y González, O Concepción, M Manso-Silván, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 6 (25), 6799-6807, 2018
Strain relaxation during the layer by layer growth of cubic CdSe onto ZnSe
O De Melo, C Vargas-Hernandez, I Hernandez-Calderon
Applied physics letters 82 (1), 43-45, 2003
Structural characterization of chemically deposited PbS thin films
FA Fernandez-Lima, Y Gonzalez-Alfaro, EM Larramendi, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: B 136 (2-3), 187-192, 2007
Thickness measurement and optical properties of very thin ZnxCd (1− x) Te layers
EM Larramendi, E Purón, O de Melo
Semiconductor science and technology 17 (1), 8, 2001
Adsorption, desorption, and interdiffusion in atomic layer epitaxy of CdTe and CdZnTe
EM Larramendi, O De Melo, M Hernández Vélez, MC Tamargo
Journal of applied physics 96 (12), 7164-7167, 2004
Controlling the Epitaxial Growth of Bi2Te3, BiTe, and Bi4Te3 Pure Phases by Physical Vapor Transport
O Concepcion, M Galván-Arellano, V Torres-Costa, A Climent-Font, ...
Inorganic Chemistry 57 (16), 10090-10099, 2018
Graded composition CdxZn1− xTe films grown by isothermal close space sublimation technique
O De Melo, A Domínguez, KG ZB, G Contreras-Puente, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 138, 17-21, 2015
Photoluminescence Study of Ultra‐Thin CdSe Quantum Wells
C Vargas‐Hernández, O De Melo, I Hernández‐Calderón
physica status solidi (b) 230 (2), 331-334, 2002
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Articles 1–20