Roger Feldman
Roger Feldman
Professor, Universirty of Minnesota
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A practical guide to heavy tails: statistical techniques and applications
R Adler, R Feldman, M Taqqu
Springer Science & Business Media, 1998
Meta-analysis of individual-patient data from EVAR-1, DREAM, OVER and ACE trials comparing outcomes of endovascular or open repair for abdominal aortic aneurysm over 5 years
JT Powell, MJ Sweeting, P Ulug, JD Blankensteijn, FA Lederle, ...
Journal of British Surgery 104 (3), 166-178, 2017
A new estimate of the welfare loss of excess health insurance
R Feldman, B Dowd
The American economic review 81 (1), 297-301, 1991
The demand for employment-based health insurance plans
R Feldman, M Finch, B Dowd, S Cassou
Journal of Human Resources, 115-142, 1989
The effect of market structure on HMO premiums
D Wholey, R Feldman, JB Christianson
Journal of Health economics 14 (1), 81-105, 1995
The effects of market concentration and horizontal mergers on hospital costs and prices
RA Connor, RD Feldman, BE Dowd
International Journal of the Economics of Business 5 (2), 159-180, 1998
Effects of teaching on hospital costs
FA Sloan, RD Feldman, AB Steinwald
Journal of health economics 2 (1), 1-28, 1983
Competition among physicians, revisited
R Feldman, F Sloan
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 13 (2), 239-261, 1988
A matter of race: early-versus late-stage cancer diagnosis
BA Virnig, NN Baxter, EB Habermann, RD Feldman, CJ Bradley
Health affairs 28 (1), 160-168, 2009
Which types of hospital mergers save consumers money?
RA Connor, RD Feldman, BE Dowd, TA Radcliff
Health affairs 16 (6), 62-74, 1997
Evaluation of the effect of a consumer‐driven health plan on medical care expenditures and utilization
ST Parente, R Feldman, JB Christianson
Health Services Research 39 (4p2), 1189-1210, 2004
Scale and scope economies among health maintenance organizations
D Wholey, R Feldman, JB Christianson, J Engberg
Journal of health economics 15 (6), 657-684, 1996
Geographic variation in device use for intertrochanteric hip fractures
ML Forte, BA Virnig, RL Kane, S Durham, M Bhandari, R Feldman, ...
JBJS 90 (4), 691-699, 2008
The effect of benefits, premiums, and health risk on health plan choice in the Medicare program
A Atherly, BE Dowd, R Feldman
Health services research 39 (4p1), 847-864, 2004
Competition among physicians
FA Sloan, R Feldman
Competition in the Health Sector: Past, Present and Future. Federal Trade …, 1978
Where would you go for your next hospitalization?
K Jung, R Feldman, D Scanlon
Journal of health economics 30 (4), 832-841, 2011
Employee Choice of Consumer‐Driven Health Insurance in a Multiplan, Multiproduct Setting
ST Parente, R Feldman, JB Christianson
Health Services Research 39 (4p2), 1091-1112, 2004
The effects of medical group practice and physician payment methods on costs of care.
JE Kralewski, EC Rich, R Feldman, BE Dowd, T Bernhardt, C Johnson, ...
Health Services Research 35 (3), 591, 2000
Health plan choice and the utilization of health care services
B Dowd, R Feldman, S Cassou, M Finch
The Review of Economics and Statistics, 85-93, 1991
The union impact on hospital wages and fringe benefits
R Feldman, R Scheffler
ILR Review 35 (2), 196-206, 1982
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Articles 1–20