Alexander Rasch
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Cited by
Experimental characterization of axial fuel mixing in fluidized beds by magnetic particle tracking
A Köhler, A Rasch, D Pallarès, F Johnsson
Powder Technology 316, 492-499, 2017
A data-driven framework for the safe integration of micro-mobility into the transport system: Comparing bicycles and e-scooters in field trials
M Dozza, A Violin, A Rasch
Journal of safety research 81, 67-77, 2022
How do oncoming traffic and cyclist lane position influence cyclist overtaking by drivers?
A Rasch, CN Boda, P Thalya, T Aderum, A Knauss, M Dozza
Accident Analysis & Prevention 142, 105569, 2020
Drivers’ and cyclists’ safety perceptions in overtaking maneuvers
A Rasch, S Moll, G López, A Garcia, M Dozza
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 84, 165-176, 2022
How do drivers overtake pedestrians? Evidence from field test and naturalistic driving data
A Rasch, G Panero, CN Boda, M Dozza
Accident Analysis & Prevention 139, 105494, 2020
Modelling cyclists’ comfort zones from obstacle avoidance manoeuvres
O Lee, A Rasch, AL Schwab, M Dozza
Accident Analysis & Prevention 144, 105609, 2020
How do different micro-mobility vehicles affect longitudinal control? Results from a field experiment
M Dozza, T Li, L Billstein, C Svernlöv, A Rasch
Journal of safety research 84, 24-32, 2023
Modelling duration of car-bicycles overtaking manoeuvres on two-lane rural roads using naturalistic data
S Moll, G López, A Rasch, M Dozza, A Garcia
Accident Analysis & Prevention 160, 106317, 2021
Modeling drivers’ strategy when overtaking cyclists in the presence of oncoming traffic
A Rasch, M Dozza
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 23 (3), 2180-2189, 2020
Intersection crossing with reduced number of conflicts
J Karlsson, J Sjöberg, N Murgovski, L Hanning, S Luu, V Olsson, A Rasch
2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems …, 2018
Drivers passing cyclists: How does sight distance affect safety? Results from a naturalistic study
A Rasch, Y Tarakanov, G Tellwe, M Dozza
Journal of safety research 87, 76-85, 2023
An open-source data logger for field cycling collection: design and evaluation
M Dozza, A Rasch, CN Boda
The 6th International Cycling Safety Conference, 2017
Drivers Overtaking Cyclists and Pedestrians: Modeling Road-User Behavior for Traffic Safety
A Rasch
PQDT-Global, 2023
Evaluation of a new narrow and tiltable electric tricycle (e-trike) concept
A Rasch, M Dozza, Y Håland
The effect of speed on driver behavior when overtaking cyclists: Results from driving-simulator and test-track data
A Rasch, M Dozza
ICTCT 2023 Conference, Catania, 2023
MICA-Modelling Interaction between Cyclists and Automobiles: public report
M Dozza, T Aderum, J Kovaceva, A Rasch, P Thalya, A Knauss
Modelling driver behaviour in longitudinal vehicle-pedestrian scenarios-Analysis of driver comfort zone boundaries from naturalistic driving data and field tests
A Rasch
When Is It Safe to Complete an Overtaking Maneuver? Modeling Drivers’ Decision to Return After Passing a Cyclist
A Rasch, C Flannagan, M Dozza
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2024
Naturalistic micromobility data: opportunities and threats
M Dozza, RR Pai, A Rasch
How do kinematic and visual cues influence cyclist overtaking? A comparison of test environments
A Rasch, P Thalya, J Sandin, M Dozza, 2024
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