Daniel Kleinman
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Cited by
What’s easier: Doing what you want, or being told what to do? Cued versus voluntary language and task switching.
TH Gollan, D Kleinman, CE Wierenga
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143 (6), 2167, 2014
Speaking Two Languages for the Price of One: Bypassing Language Control Mechanisms via Accessibility-Driven Switches
D Kleinman, T Gollan
Psychological Science, 2016
Inhibition accumulates over time at multiple processing levels in bilingual language control
D Kleinman, TH Gollan
Cognition 173, 115-132, 2018
Which bilinguals reverse language dominance and why?
M Declerck, D Kleinman, TH Gollan
Cognition 204, 104384, 2020
Attention demands of language production in adults who stutter
ND Maxfield, WL Olsen, D Kleinman, SA Frisch, VS Ferreira, JJ Lister
Clinical Neurophysiology 127 (4), 1942-1960, 2016
Precision fMRI reveals that the language-selective network supports both phrase-structure building and lexical access during language production
J Hu, H Small, H Kean, A Takahashi, L Zekelman, D Kleinman, E Ryan, ...
Cerebral Cortex 1, 21, 2022
Single-word predictions of upcoming language during comprehension: Evidence from the cumulative semantic interference task
D Kleinman, E Runnqvist, VS Ferreira
Cognitive psychology 79, 68-101, 2015
Resolving semantic interference during word production requires central attention.
D Kleinman
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 39 (6), 1860, 2013
Structural alignment in dialogue and monologue (and what attention may have to do with it)
I Ivanova, WS Horton, B Swets, D Kleinman, VS Ferreira
Journal of Memory and Language 110, 104052, 2020
Do priming effects in dialogue reflect partner-or task-based expectations?
VS Ferreira, D Kleinman, T Kraljic, Y Siu
Psychonomic bulletin & review 19 (2), 309-316, 2012
Older bilinguals reverse language dominance less than younger bilinguals: Evidence for the inhibitory deficit hypothesis.
A Stasenko, D Kleinman, TH Gollan
Psychology and Aging 36 (7), 806, 2021
Lasting effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on language processing
D Kleinman, AM Morgan, R Ostrand, E Wittenberg
PloS one 17 (6), e0269242, 2022
Audiovisual speech perception in children with autism spectrum disorders: Evidence from visual phonemic restoration
J Irwin, T Avery, D Kleinman, N Landi
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 52 (1), 28-37, 2022
Widespread effects of dMRI data quality on diffusion measures in children
N Koirala, D Kleinman, MV Perdue, X Su, M Villa, EL Grigorenko, N Landi
Human brain mapping 43 (4), 1326-1341, 2022
Researcher–practitioner partnerships and in‐school laboratories facilitate translational research in reading
N Landi, D Kleinman, V Agrawal, G Ashton, A Coyne‐Green, P Roberts, ...
Journal of Research in Reading, 2022
Neural and Behavioral Differences in Speech Perception for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders Within an Audiovisual Context
J Irwin, V Harwood, D Kleinman, A Baron, T Avery, J Turcios, N Landi
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 66 (7), 2390-2403, 2023
The P300 event related potential predicts phonological working memory skills in school-aged children
V Harwood, D Kleinman, G Puggioni, A Baron
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 2022
Mediated phonological–semantic priming in spoken word production: Evidence for cascaded processing from picture–word interference
M Mascelloni, KL McMahon, V Piai, D Kleinman, G de Zubicaray
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 74 (7), 1284-1294, 2021
The temporal dynamics of bilingual language control
I Ivanova, A Seanez, M Cochran, D Kleinman
Psychonomic bulletin & review, 1-18, 2022
Multilink for bilingual language production
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 22 (4), 687-688, 2019
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Articles 1–20