Michael E. Baker
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Cited by
Membrane transport proteins: implications of sequence comparisons
JK Griffith, ME Baker, DA Rouch, MGP Page, RA Skurray, IT Paulsen, ...
Current opinion in cell biology 4 (4), 684-695, 1992
MLN64 contains a domain with homology to the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) that stimulates steroidogenesis
H Watari, F Arakane, C Moog-Lutz, CB Kallen, C Tomasetto, GL Gerton, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94 (16), 8462-8467, 1997
Meta-MEME: motif-based hidden Markov models of protein families
WN Grundy, TL Bailey, CP Elkan, ME Baker
Bioinformatics 13 (4), 397-406, 1997
Epithelial sodium transport and its control by aldosterone: the story of our internal environment revisited
BC Rossier, ME Baker, RA Studer
Physiological reviews 95 (1), 297-340, 2015
Is vitellogenin an ancestor of apolipoprotein B-100 of human low-density lipoprotein and human lipoprotein lipase?
ME Baker
Biochemical Journal 255 (3), 1057-1060, 1988
Beyond carrier proteins: albumin, steroid hormones and the origin of vertebrates
ME Baker
J Endocrinol 175, 121-127, 2002
Site-specific mutagenesis of Drosophila alcohol dehydrogenase: evidence for involvement of tyrosine-152 and lysine-156 in catalysis
Z Chen, JC Jiang, ZG Lin, WR Lee, ME Baker, SH Chang
Biochemistry 32 (13), 3342-3346, 1993
Independent elaboration of steroid hormone signaling pathways in metazoans
G Markov, R Tavares, C Dauphin-Villemant, B Demeneix, M Baker, ...
Nature Precedings, 1-1, 2009
Physiological and molecular effects of brassinosteroids on Arabidopsis thaliana
SD Clouse, AF Hall, M Langford, TC McMorris, ME Baker
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 12, 61-66, 1993
Steroid receptor phylogeny and vertebrate origins
ME Baker
Molecular and cellular endocrinology 135 (2), 101-107, 1997
Expansion of the mammalian 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/plant dihydroflavonol reductase superfamily to include a bacterial cholesterol dehydrogenase, a bacterial UDP …
ME Baker, R Blasco
FEBS letters 301 (1), 89-93, 1992
Evolution of 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases and their role in androgen, estrogen and retinoid action
ME Baker
Molecular and cellular endocrinology 171 (1-2), 211-215, 2001
Characterization of Ke 6, a new 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, and its expression in gonadal tissues
J Fomitcheva, ME Baker, E Anderson, GY Lee, N Aziz
Journal of Biological Chemistry 273 (35), 22664-22671, 1998
Evolution of hormone selectivity in glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptors
ME Baker, JW Funder, SR Kattoula
The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 137, 57-70, 2013
A common ancestor for bovine lens fiber major intrinsic protein, soybean nodulin-26 protein, and E. coli glycerol facilitator
ME Baker, MH Saier Jr
Cell 60 (2), 185-186, 1990
Effect of brassinolide on gene expression in elongating soybean epicotyls
SD Clouse, DM Zurek, TC McMorris, ME Baker
Plant Physiology 100 (3), 1377-1383, 1992
Evolution of adrenal and sex steroid action in vertebrates: a ligand‐based mechanism for complexity
ME Baker
Bioessays 25 (4), 396-400, 2003
Co-evolution of steroidogenic and steroid-inactivating enzymes and adrenal and sex steroid receptors
ME Baker
Molecular and cellular endocrinology 215 (1-2), 55-62, 2004
Sex hormone‐binding globulin, androgen‐binding protein, and vitamin K‐dependent protein S are homologous to laminin A, merosin, and Drosophila crumbs protein
DR Joseph, ME Baker
The FASEB journal 6 (7), 2477-2481, 1992
Licorice and enzymes other than 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase: an evolutionary perspective
ME Baker
Steroids 59 (2), 136-141, 1994
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Articles 1–20