Kai Liu
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Cited by
Assessing real-time Zika risk in the United States
LA Castro, SJ Fox, X Chen, K Liu, SE Bellan, NB Dimitrov, AP Galvani, ...
BMC infectious diseases 17, 1-9, 2017
Characterization of a novel DNA glycosylase from S. sahachiroi involved in the reduction and repair of azinomycin B induced DNA damage
S Wang, K Liu, L Xiao, LY Yang, H Li, FX Zhang, L Lei, SQ Li, X Feng, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 44 (1), 187-197, 2016
Essential role of an unknown gene aziU3 in the production of antitumor antibiotic azinomycin B verified by utilizing optimized genetic manipulation systems for Streptomyces …
S Wang, R Zhao, K Liu, M Zhu, A Li, J He
FEMS microbiology letters 337 (2), 147-154, 2012
Early Detection of Influenza outbreaks in the United States
K Liu, R Srinivasan, LA Meyers
arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.01048, 2019
Improving Surveillance and Prediction of Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases
K Liu
The University of Texas at Austin, 2019
Supplement: A framework for assessing real-time Zika risk in the United States
LA Castro, SJ Fox, X Chen, K Liu, S Bellan, NB Dimitrov, AP Galvani, ...
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