Peter Lynn
Peter Lynn
Professor of Survey Methodology, University of Essex
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Methods for longitudinal surveys
P Lynn
Methodology of longitudinal surveys, 1-19, 2009
SHARE wave 4: innovations & methodology
L Abduladze, F Malter, A Börsch-Supan
Munich center for the economics of aging, 2013
Assessing the effect of data collection mode on measurement
A Jäckle, C Roberts, P Lynn
International Statistical Review 78 (1), 3-20, 2010
The use of respondent incentives on longitudinal surveys
H Laurie, P Lynn
Methodology of longitudinal surveys, 205-233, 2009
The problem of nonresponse
P Lynn
International handbook of survey methodology, 35-55, 2012
Sample design for understanding society
P Lynn
Underst. Soc. Work. Pap. Ser 2009, 2009
The 1992 British election: the failure of the polls
R Jowell, B Hedges, P Lynn, G Farrant, A Heath
The Public Opinion Quarterly 57 (2), 238-263, 1993
Separating refusal bias and non-contact bias: evidence from UK national surveys
P Lynn, P Clarke
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series D: The Statistician 51 (3 …, 2002
Developing quality standards for cross-national survey research: five approaches
P Lynn
Int. J. Social Research Methodology 6 (4), 323-336, 2003
Patterns of consent: evidence from a general household survey
SP Jenkins, L Cappellari, P Lynn, A Jäckle, E Sala
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 169 …, 2006
Methods for achieving equivalence of samples in cross-national surveys: the European social survey experience
P Lynn, S Hader, S Gabler, S Laaksonen
ISER Working Paper Series, 2004
Telephone versus face-to-face interviewing: mode effects on data quality and likely causes: report on phase II of the ESS-Gallup mixed mode methodology project
A Jäckle, C Roberts, P Lynn
ISER Working Paper Series, 2006
The effect of interviewer personality, skills and attitudes on respondent co-operation with face-to-face surveys
A Jäckle, P Lynn, J Sinibaldi, S Tipping
ISER Working Paper Series, 2011
The effects of extended interviewer effort on non-response bias
P Lynn, P Sturgis, P Clarke, J Martin
Wiley-Blackwell, 2001
The impact of mobile phones on survey measurement error
P Lynn, O Kaminska
Public Opinion Quarterly 77 (2), 586-605, 2013
PEDAKSI: Methodology for collecting data about survey non-respondents
P Lynn
Quality and Quantity 37, 239-261, 2003
The 1991 national survey of voluntary activity in the UK
P Lynn, JD Smith
(No Title), 1993
Going online with a face-to-face household panel: Effects of a mixed mode design on item and unit non-response
A Jäckle, P Lynn, J Burton
Survey Research Methods 9 (1), 57-70, 2015
Recommended standard final outcome categories and standard definitions of response rate for social surveys
P Lynn, R Beerten, J Laiho, J Martin
ISER Working Paper Series, 2001
A review of methodological research pertinent to longitudinal survey design and data collection
P Lynn, N Buck, J Burton, A Jäckle, H Laurie
ISER Working Paper Series, 2005
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Articles 1–20