gufran sayeed khan
Cited by
Cited by
Subaperture stitching for measurement of freeform wavefront
KK Pant, DR Burada, M Bichra, MP Singh, A Ghosh, GS Khan, ...
Applied optics 54 (34), 10022-10028, 2015
Experimental investigation on butane diffusion flames under the influence of magnetic field by using digital speckle pattern interferometry
M Kumar, S Agarwal, V Kumar, GS Khan, C Shakher
Applied optics 54 (9), 2450-2460, 2015
Effects of tool overhang on selection of machining parameters and surface finish during diamond turning
V Mishra, GS Khan, KD Chattopadhyay, K Nand, RGV Sarepaka
Measurement 55, 353-361, 2014
Experimental investigations on characterization of freeform wavefront using Shack–Hartmann sensor
DR Burada, KK Pant, M Bichra, GS Khan, S Sinzinger, C Shakher
Optical Engineering 56 (8), 084107-084107, 2017
Form error compensation in the slow tool servo machining of freeform optics
V Mishra, DR Burada, KK Pant, V Karar, S Jha, GS Khan
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 105, 1623-1635, 2019
Measurement of elastic and thermal properties of composite materials using digital speckle pattern interferometry
M Kumar, GS Khan, C Shakher
SPECKLE 2015: VI International Conference on Speckle Metrology 9660, 189-200, 2015
Quasi-absolute measurement of aspheres with a combined diffractive optical element as reference
F Simon, G Khan, K Mantel, N Lindlein, J Schwider
Applied optics 45 (34), 8606-8612, 2006
Design considerations for the absolute testing approach of aspherics using combined diffractive optical elements
GS Khan, K Mantel, I Harder, N Lindlein, J Schwider
Applied optics 46 (28), 7040-7048, 2007
Characterization of nanoscale roughness in single point diamond turned optical surfaces using power spectral density analysis
GS Khan, RGV Sarepaka, KD Chattopadhyay, PK Jain, RP Bajpai
CSIR, 2004
Development of magnetic nanoparticle based nanoabrasives for magnetorheological finishing process and all their variants
M Amir, V Mishra, R Sharma, F Iqbal, SW Ali, S Kumar, GS Khan
Ceramics International 49 (4), 6254-6261, 2023
Development of highly active, chemically stable and recyclable magnetic nanophotocatalyst based on plasmonic silver nanoparticles and photosensitive trans‐3‐(trans‐4‐imidazolyl …
M Amir, W Ali, A Baykal, GS Khan
Applied Organometallic Chemistry 35 (6), e6229, 2021
Metrology of freeform optics using diffractive null elements in Shack-Hartmann sensors
GS Khan, M Bichra, A Grewe, N Sabitov, K Mantel, I Harder, A Berger, ...
3rd EOS Conference on Manufacturing of Optical Components, 13-15, 2013
Experimental investigations on slow tool servo process parameters for freeform optics machining
V Mishra, D Sabui, DR Burada, V Karar, S Jha, GS Khan
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 35 (7), 797-810, 2020
Design and development of volume phase holographic grating based digital holographic interferometer for label-free quantitative cell imaging
V Rastogi, S Agarwal, SK Dubey, GS Khan, C Shakher
Applied Optics 59 (12), 3773-3783, 2020
Development of a metrology technique suitable for in situ measurement and corrective manufacturing of freeform optics
DR Burada, KK Pant, V Mishra, M Bichra, GS Khan, S Sinzinger, ...
Advanced Optical Technologies 8 (3-4), 203-215, 2019
Generation of freeform surface by using slow tool servo
V Mishra, KK Pant, DR Burada, V Karar, S Jha
Freeform Optics, FTh3B. 2, 2017
Signal to interference plus noise ratio improvement of a multi‐cell indoor visible light communication system through optimal parameter selection complying lighting constraints
S Chatterjee, D Sabui, GS Khan, B Roy
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 32 (10), e4291, 2021
Weighted spline based integration for reconstruction of freeform wavefront
KK Pant, DR Burada, M Bichra, A Ghosh, GS Khan, S Sinzinger, ...
Applied Optics 57 (5), 1100-1109, 2018
Characterization of surface roughness and shape deviations of aspheric surfaces
GS Khan
PQDT-Global, 2008
Ultra-precision diamond turning process
V Mishra, H Garg, V Karar, GS Khan
Micro and Nano Machining of Engineering Materials: Recent Developments, 65-97, 2019
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Articles 1–20