Han Wang (王瀚)
Cited by
Cited by
Symmetry-dependent field-free switching of perpendicular magnetization
L Liu, C Zhou, X Shu, C Li, T Zhao, W Lin, J Deng, Q Xie, S Chen, J Zhou, ...
Nature Nanotechnology 16 (3), 277-282, 2021
Broadband microwave absorption of CoNi@ C nanocapsules enhanced by dual dielectric relaxation and multiple magnetic resonances
H Wang, Y Dai, W Gong, D Geng, S Ma, D Li, W Liu, Z Zhang
Applied Physics Letters 102 (22), 2013
Optimal electromagnetic-wave absorption by enhanced dipole polarization in Ni/C nanocapsules
H Wang, H Guo, Y Dai, D Geng, Z Han, D Li, T Yang, S Ma, W Liu, ...
Applied Physics Letters 101 (8), 2012
Molecular-Beam Epitaxy of Two-Dimensional In2Se3 and Its Giant Electroresistance Switching in Ferroresistive Memory Junction
SM Poh, SJR Tan, H Wang, P Song, IH Abidi, X Zhao, J Dan, J Chen, ...
Nano letters 18 (10), 6340-6346, 2018
Epitaxial Ferroelectric Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 Thin Films and Their Implementations in Memristors for Brain‐Inspired Computing
HY Yoong, H Wu, J Zhao, H Wang, R Guo, J Xiao, B Zhang, P Yang, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (50), 1806037, 2018
Broadband electromagnetic-wave absorption by FeCo/C nanocapsules
Z Han, D Li, H Wang, XG Liu, J Li, DY Geng, ZD Zhang
Applied physics letters 95 (2), 2009
Control of synaptic plasticity learning of ferroelectric tunnel memristor by nanoscale interface engineering
R Guo, Y Zhou, L Wu, Z Wang, Z Lim, X Yan, W Lin, H Wang, HY Yoong, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 10 (15), 12862-12869, 2018
Skyrmion ground state and gyration of skyrmions in magnetic nanodisks without the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction
YY Dai, H Wang, P Tao, T Yang, WJ Ren, ZD Zhang
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (5), 054403, 2013
CoxNi100-x nanoparticles encapsulated by curved graphite layers: controlled in-situ metal-catalytic preparation and broadband microwave absorption
H. Wang, Y. Y. Dai, D. Y. Geng, S. Ma, D. Li, J. An, J. He, W. Liu, Z. D. Zhang
Nanoscale 40 (40), 40, 2015
Direct observation of room-temperature out-of-plane ferroelectricity and tunneling electroresistance at the two-dimensional limit
H Wang
Nature Communications 9, 3319, 2018
In situ oxidation of carbon-encapsulated cobalt nanocapsules creates highly active cobalt oxide catalysts for hydrocarbon combustion
H. Wang, C. Chen, Y. Zhang, L. Peng, S. Ma, T. Yang, H. Guo, Z. Zhang, D. S ...
Nature Communications 6 (7181), 2015
An Electronic Synapse Based on 2D Ferroelectric CuInP2S6
B Li, S Li, H Wang, L Chen, L Liu, X Feng, Y Li, J Chen, X Gong, KW Ang
Advanced Electronic Materials 6 (12), 2000760, 2020
Effect of metal grain size on multiple microwave resonances of Fe/TiO2 metal-semiconductor composite
Q Zhang, C Li, Y Chen, Z Han, H Wang, Z Wang, D Geng, W Liu, Z Zhang
Applied Physics Letters 97 (13), 2010
In-plane charged domain walls with memristive behaviour in a ferroelectric film
Z Liu, H Wang, M Li, L Tao, TR Paudel, H Yu, Y Wang, S Hong, M Zhang, ...
Nature 613 (7945), 656-661, 2023
Topological hall transport: Materials, mechanisms and potential applications
H Wang, Y Dai, GM Chow, J Chen
Progress in Materials Science 130, 100971, 2022
Field-free magnetization switching induced by the unconventional spin–orbit torque from WTe2
Q Xie, W Lin, S Sarkar, X Shu, S Chen, L Liu, T Zhao, C Zhou, H Wang, ...
APL Materials 9 (5), 2021
Tailoring Self-Polarization of BaTiO3 Thin Films by Interface Engineering and Flexoelectric Effect.
R Guo, L Shen, H Wang, Z Lim, W Lu, P Yang, A Gruverman, ...
Advanced Materials Interfaces 3 (23), 2016
Flower-like dynamics of coupled Skyrmions with dual resonant modes by a single-frequency microwave magnetic field
Y Dai, H Wang, T Yang, W Ren, Z Zhang
Scientific Reports 4 (1), 6153, 2014
Overcoming the limits of the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction by antiferromagnetic order in multiferroic heterostructures
H Wang, Y Dai, Z Liu, Q Xie, C Liu, W Lin, L Liu, P Yang, J Wang, ...
Advanced Materials 32 (14), 1904415, 2020
Dielectric response of carbon coated TiC nanocubes at 2–18 GHz frequencies
H Meng, KP Song, H Wang, JJ Jiang, D Li, Z Han, ZD Zhang
Journal of alloys and compounds 509 (2), 490-493, 2011
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Articles 1–20