Carl Friese
Carl Friese
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The spread of VA mycorrhizal fungal hyphae in the soil: inoculum types and external hyphal architecture
CF Friese, MF Allen
Mycologia 83 (4), 409-418, 1991
Responses of the non7hyphen;mycotrophic plant Salsola kali to invasion by vesicular–arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
MF Allen, EB Allen, CF Friese
New Phytologist 111 (1), 45-49, 1989
Seasonal dynamics of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in differing wetland habitats
KE Bohrer, CF Friese, JP Amon
Mycorrhiza 14, 329-337, 2004
The impact of fungi on soil seeds: implications for plants and granivores in a semiarid shrub‐steppe
TO Crist, CF Friese
Ecology 74 (8), 2231-2239, 1993
Re-formation of mycorrhizal symbioses on Mount St Helens, 1980–1990: interactions of rodents and mycorrhizal fungi
MF Allen, C Crisafulli, CF Friese, SL Jeakins
Mycological Research 96 (6), 447-453, 1992
Mycorrhizal fungi associated with plants in ground-water fed wetlands
SD Turner, JP Amon, RM Schneble, CF Friese
Wetlands 20 (1), 200-204, 2000
The interaction of harvester ants and vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a patchy semi-arid environment: the effects of mound structure on fungal dispersion and …
CF Friese, MF Allen
Functional Ecology, 13-20, 1993
The spatial dispersion of spores of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a sand dune: microscale patterns associated with the root architecture of American beachgrass
CF Friese, RE Koske
Mycological Research 95 (8), 952-957, 1991
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi protect a native plant from allelopathic effects of an invader
K Barto, C Friese, D Cipollini
Journal of chemical ecology 36, 351-360, 2010
Plant‐mycorrhizal community dynamics associated with a moisture gradient within a rehabilitated prairie fen
SD Turner, CF Friese
Restoration Ecology 6 (1), 44-51, 1998
Tracking the fates of exotic and local VA mycorrhizal fungi: methods and patterns
CF Friese, MF Allen
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 34 (1-4), 87-96, 1991
Construction of sand shinnery oak communities of the Llano Estacado: animal disturbances, plant community structure, and restoration
SS Dhillion, MA McGinley, CF Friese, JC Zak
Restoration Ecology 2 (1), 51-60, 1994
Mycorrhizae and the integration of scales: from molecules to ecosystems.
MF Allen, SD Clouse, BS Weinbaum, SL Jeakins, CF Friese, EB Allen
Disturbance in natural ecosystems: scaling from fungal diversity to ecosystem functioning
SJ Morris, CF Friese, MF Allen
Environmental and microbial relationships. The Mycota 3, 1-45, 2007
The occurrence of mycorrhizas in prairies: application to ecological restoration
SS Dhillion, CF Friese
Thirteenth North American Prairie Conference 13, 103-114, 1994
Mycorrhizal plants and fungi in the fog-free Pacific coastal desert of Chile
SS Dhillion, PE Vidiella, LE Aquilera, CF Friese, E De Leon, JJ Armesto, ...
Mycorrhiza 5, 381-386, 1995
Glomus pustulatum: a new species in the Endogonaceae.
RE Koske, C Friese, C Walker, Y Dalpé
Arbuscular-mycorrhizal colonization dynamics of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) growing under several production systems on the Southern High Plains, Texas
JC Zak, B McMichael, S Dhillion, C Friese
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 68 (3), 245-254, 1998
Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas in Equisetum
RE Koske, CF Friese, PD Olexia, RL Hauke
Transactions of the British Mycological Society 85 (2), 350-353, 1985
Variability in soil chemistry and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in harvester ant nests: the influence of topography, grazing and region
SR Snyder, TO Crist, CF Friese
Biology and Fertility of Soils 35, 406-413, 2002
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Articles 1–20