Roland Logé
Cited by
Cited by
A review of dynamic recrystallization phenomena in metallic materials
KE Huang, RE Logé
Materials & Design 111, 548-574, 2016
The double-edge effect of second-phase particles on the recrystallization behaviour and associated mechanical properties of metallic materials
K Huang, K Marthinsen, Q Zhao, RE Logé
Progress in Materials Science 92, 284-359, 2018
3D laser shock peening–a new method for the 3D control of residual stresses in selective laser melting
N Kalentics, E Boillat, P Peyre, C Gorny, C Kenel, C Leinenbach, ...
Materials & Design 130, 350-356, 2017
Tailoring residual stress profile of selective laser melted parts by laser shock peening
N Kalentics, E Boillat, P Peyre, S Ćirić-Kostić, N Bogojević, RE Logé
Additive Manufacturing 16, 90-97, 2017
Combining alloy and process modification for micro-crack mitigation in an additively manufactured Ni-base superalloy
S Griffiths, HG Tabasi, T Ivas, X Maeder, A De Luca, K Zweiacker, ...
Additive Manufacturing 36, 101443, 2020
Level set framework for the numerical modelling of primary recrystallization in polycrystalline materials
M Bernacki, Y Chastel, T Coupez, RE Logé
Scripta Materialia 58 (12), 1129-1132, 2008
Finite element model of primary recrystallization in polycrystalline aggregates using a level set framework
M Bernacki, H Resk, T Coupez, RE Logé
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 17 (6), 064006, 2009
Level set framework for the finite-element modelling of recrystallization and grain growth in polycrystalline materials
M Bernacki, RE Logé, T Coupez
Scripta Materialia 64 (6), 525-528, 2011
Selective Growth of Low Stored Energy Grains During δ Sub-solvus Annealing in the Inconel 718 Nickel-Based Superalloy
A Agnoli, M Bernacki, R Logé, JM Franchet, J Laigo, N Bozzolo
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 46, 4405-4421, 2015
Structural reactivation in plate tectonics controlled by olivine crystal anisotropy
A Tommasi, M Knoll, A Vauchez, JW Signorelli, C Thoraval, R Logé
Nature Geoscience 2 (6), 423-427, 2009
Evolution of microstructure and twin density during thermomechanical processing in a γ-γ’nickel-based superalloy
N Bozzolo, N Souaï, RE Logé
Acta materialia 60 (13-14), 5056-5066, 2012
Healing cracks in selective laser melting by 3D laser shock peening
N Kalentics, N Sohrabi, HG Tabasi, S Griffiths, J Jhabvala, C Leinenbach, ...
Additive Manufacturing 30, 100881, 2019
3D laser shock peening–A new method for improving fatigue properties of selective laser melted parts
N Kalentics, MOV de Seijas, S Griffiths, C Leinenbach, RE Loge
Additive Manufacturing 33, 101112, 2020
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of ferroelectric domain evolution
RE Logé, Z Suo
Acta Materialia 44 (8), 3429-3438, 1996
A critical assessment of experimental investigation of dynamic recrystallization of metallic materials
HK Zhang, H Xiao, XW Fang, Q Zhang, RE Logé, K Huang
Materials & Design 193, 108873, 2020
Mean field modelling of dynamic and post-dynamic recrystallization during hot deformation of Inconel 718 in the absence of δ phase particles
M Zouari, N Bozzolo, RE Loge
Materials Science and Engineering: A 655, 408-424, 2016
Deep transfer learning of additive manufacturing mechanisms across materials in metal-based laser powder bed fusion process
V Pandiyan, R Drissi-Daoudi, S Shevchik, G Masinelli, T Le-Quang, ...
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 303, 117531, 2022
A two-site mean field model of discontinuous dynamic recrystallization
P Bernard, S Bag, K Huang, RE Logé
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (24), 7357-7367, 2011
Hot deformation of a Fe-Mn-Al-C steel susceptible of κ-carbide precipitation
OA Zambrano, J Valdés, Y Aguilar, JJ Coronado, SA Rodríguez, RE Logé
Materials Science and Engineering: A 689, 269-285, 2017
Controlling grain structure and texture in Al-Mn from the competition between precipitation and recrystallization
K Huang, K Zhang, K Marthinsen, RE Logé
Acta Materialia 141, 360-373, 2017
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Articles 1–20