Michael Cole
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Cited by
Predictors of future falls in Parkinson disease
GK Kerr, CJ Worringham, MH Cole, PF Lacherez, JM Wood, PA Silburn
Neurology 75 (2), 116-124, 2010
The use of wearable microsensors to quantify sport-specific movements
R Chambers, TJ Gabbett, MH Cole, A Beard
Sports medicine 45, 1065-1081, 2015
Risk of falls, injurious falls, and other injuries resulting from visual impairment among older adults with age-related macular degeneration
JM Wood, P Lacherez, AA Black, MH Cole, MY Boon, GK Kerr
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 52 (8), 5088-5092, 2011
Enhanced somatosensory information decreases postural sway in older people
F Qiu, MH Cole, KW Davids, EM Hennig, PA Silburn, H Netscher, GK Kerr
Gait & posture 35 (4), 630-635, 2012
Wearable sensor use for assessing standing balance and walking stability in people with Parkinson’s disease: a systematic review
RP Hubble, GA Naughton, PA Silburn, MH Cole
PloS one 10 (4), e0123705, 2015
Gait characteristics and falls in Parkinson's disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis
MW Creaby, MH Cole
Parkinsonism & related disorders 57, 1-8, 2018
A spatiotemporal analysis of gait freezing and the impact of pedunculopontine nucleus stimulation
W Thevathasan, MH Cole, CL Graepel, JA Hyam, N Jenkinson, JS Brittain, ...
Brain 135 (5), 1446-1454, 2012
Falls in Parkinson's disease: kinematic evidence for impaired head and trunk control
MH Cole, PA Silburn, JM Wood, CJ Worringham, GK Kerr
Movement Disorders 25 (14), 2369-2378, 2010
Postural stability and gait among older adults with age-related maculopathy
JM Wood, PF Lacherez, AA Black, MH Cole, MY Boon, GK Kerr
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 50 (1), 482-487, 2009
The validity and reliability of commercially available resistance training monitoring devices: A systematic review
J Weakley, M Morrison, A García-Ramos, R Johnston, L James, MH Cole
Sports medicine 51, 443-502, 2021
The biomechanics of the modern golf swing: implications for lower back injuries
MH Cole, PN Grimshaw
Sports Medicine 46, 339-351, 2016
Low back pain and lifting: a review of epidemiology and aetiology
MH Cole, PN Grimshaw
Work 21 (2), 173-184, 2003
Effects of textured insoles on balance in people with Parkinson’s disease
F Qiu, MH Cole, KW Davids, EM Hennig, PA Silburn, H Netscher, GK Kerr
PloS one 8 (12), e83309, 2013
A systematic review of the technology-based assessment of visual perception and exploration behaviour in association football
TB McGuckian, MH Cole, GJ Pepping
Journal of Sports Sciences 36 (8), 861-880, 2018
A systematic review on perceptual-motor calibration to changes in action capabilities
S van Andel, MH Cole, GJ Pepping
Human movement science 51, 59-71, 2017
Monitoring workload in throwing-dominant sports: a systematic review
GM Black, TJ Gabbett, MH Cole, G Naughton
Sports Medicine 46, 1503-1516, 2016
The validity and reliability of wearable microtechnology for intermittent team sports: A systematic review
ZL Crang, G Duthie, MH Cole, J Weakley, A Hewitt, RD Johnston
Sports Medicine 51, 549-565, 2021
Don’t turn blind! The relationship between exploration before ball possession and on-ball performance in association football
TB McGuckian, MH Cole, G Jordet, D Chalkley, GJ Pepping
Frontiers in psychology 9, 2520, 2018
Muscle force contributions to anterior cruciate ligament loading
N Maniar, MH Cole, AL Bryant, DA Opar
Sports Medicine 52 (8), 1737-1750, 2022
Pedunculopontine nucleus deep brain stimulation produces sustained improvement in primary progressive freezing of gait
RA Wilcox, MH Cole, D Wong, T Coyne, P Silburn, G Kerr
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 82 (11), 1256-1259, 2011
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Articles 1–20