Kristian Mathis
Kristian Mathis
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The evolution of non-basal dislocations as a function of deformation temperature in pure magnesium determined by X-ray diffraction
K Máthis, K Nyilas, A Axt, I Dragomir-Cernatescu, T Ungár, P Lukáč
Acta Materialia 52 (10), 2889-2894, 2004
Microstructure and mechanical behavior of AZ91 Mg alloy processed by equal channel angular pressing
K Máthis, J Gubicza, NH Nam
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 394 (1-2), 194-199, 2005
Effect of the loading mode on the evolution of the deformation mechanisms in randomly textured magnesium polycrystals–Comparison of experimental and modeling results
K Máthis, G Csiszár, J Čapek, J Gubicza, B Clausen, P Lukáš, ...
International Journal of Plasticity 72, 127-150, 2015
Study of the loading mode dependence of the twinning in random textured cast magnesium by acoustic emission and neutron diffraction methods
J Čapek, K Máthis, B Clausen, J Stráská, P Beran, P Lukáš
Materials Science and Engineering: A 602, 25-32, 2014
Investigating deformation processes in AM60 magnesium alloy using the acoustic emission technique
K Máthis, F Chmelík, M Janeček, B Hadzima, Z Trojanová, P Lukáč
Acta materialia 54 (20), 5361-5366, 2006
Influence of equal channel angular pressing routes on texture, microstructure and mechanical properties of extruded AX41 magnesium alloy
T Krajňák, P Minárik, J Gubicza, K Máthis, R Kužel, M Janeček
Materials Characterization 123, 282-293, 2017
Combination of in-situ diffraction experiments and acoustic emission testing to understand the compression behavior of Mg-Y-Zn alloys containing LPSO phase under different …
G Garcés, K Máthis, J Medina, K Horváth, D Drozdenko, E Ońorbe, ...
International Journal of Plasticity 106, 107-128, 2018
Investigation of tension–compression asymmetry of magnesium by use of the acoustic emission technique
K Máthis, J Čapek, Z Zdražilová, Z Trojanová
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (18), 5904-5907, 2011
Hardening and softening in deformed magnesium alloys
K Mathis, Z Trojanova, P Lukáč
Materials Science and Engineering: A 324 (1-2), 141-144, 2002
Role of superposition of dislocation avalanches in the statistics of acoustic emission during plastic deformation
MA Lebyodkin, IV Shashkov, TA Lebedkina, K Mathis, P Dobron, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (4 …, 2013
Modeling of hardening and softening processes in Mg alloys
K Máthis, Z Trojanová, P Lukáč, CH Cáceres, J Lendvai
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 378 (1-2), 176-179, 2004
Dislocation avalanches are like earthquakes on the micron scale
PD Ispánovity, D Ugi, G Péterffy, M Knapek, S Kalácska, D Tüzes, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 1975, 2022
In vitro degradation of ZM21 magnesium alloy in simulated body fluids
A Witecka, A Bogucka, A Yamamoto, K Máthis, T Krajňák, J Jaroszewicz, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: C 65, 59-69, 2016
On the limits of acoustic emission detectability for twinning
A Vinogradov, E Vasilev, M Seleznev, K Máthis, D Orlov, D Merson
Materials Letters 183, 417-419, 2016
Dependence of twinned volume fraction on loading mode and Schmid factor in randomly textured magnesium
J Čapek, K Máthis, B Clausen, M Barnett
Acta Materialia 130, 319-328, 2017
Influence of equal channel angular pressing temperature on texture, microstructure and mechanical properties of extruded AX41 magnesium
T Krajňák, P Minárik, J Stráská, J Gubicza, K Máthis, M Janeček
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 705, 273-282, 2017
Exploring plastic deformation of metallic materials by the acoustic emission technique
K Máthis, F Chmelík
Acoustic emission, 23-48, 2012
Mechanical and biocorrosive properties of magnesium-aluminum alloy scaffold for biomedical applications
K Hong, H Park, Y Kim, M Knapek, P Minárik, K Máthis, A Yamamoto, ...
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 98, 213-224, 2019
Acoustic emission monitoring of slow strain rate tensile tests of 304L stainless steel in supercritical water environment
K Máthis, D Prchal, R Novotný, P Hähner
Corrosion science 53 (1), 59-63, 2011
Internal stress and thermally activated dislocation motion in an AZ63 magnesium alloy
Z Trojanová, K Máthis, P Lukáč, G Németh, F Chmelík
Materials Chemistry and Physics 130 (3), 1146-1150, 2011
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Articles 1–20