David Hiebeler
David Hiebeler
Professor of Mathematics, University of Maine
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Cited by
Populations on fragmented landscapes with spatially structured heterogeneities: landscape generation and local dispersal
D Hiebeler
Ecology 81 (6), 1629-1641, 2000
The swarm simulation system and individual-based modeling
D Hiebeler
Santa Fe Institute, 1994
Stochastic spatial models: from simulations to mean field and local structure approximations
D Hiebeler
Journal of Theoretical Biology 187 (3), 307-319, 1997
Competition between near and far dispersers in spatially structured habitats
D Hiebeler
Theoretical Population Biology 66 (3), 205-218, 2004
Modelling plant population size and extinction thresholds from habitat loss and habitat fragmentation: Effects of neighbouring competition and dispersal strategy
J Liao, Z Li, DE Hiebeler, M El-Bana, G Deckmyn, I Nijs
Ecological Modelling 268, 9-17, 2013
Species persistence in landscapes with spatial variation in habitat quality: a pair approximation model
J Liao, Z Li, DE Hiebeler, Y Iwasa, J Bogaert, I Nijs
Journal of Theoretical Biology 335, 22-30, 2013
An extended patch-dynamic framework for food chains in fragmented landscapes
J Liao, J Chen, Z Ying, DE Hiebeler, I Nijs
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 33100, 2016
Moment equations and dynamics of a household SIS epidemiological model
D Hiebeler
Bulletin of mathematical biology 68, 1315-1333, 2006
Competing populations on fragmented landscapes with spatially structured heterogeneities: improved landscape generation and mixed dispersal strategies
DE Hiebeler
Journal of Mathematical Biology 54, 337-356, 2007
Spatially correlated disturbances in a locally dispersing population model
D Hiebeler
Journal of Theoretical Biology 232 (1), 143-149, 2005
The effect of static and dynamic spatially structured disturbances on a locally dispersing population
DE Hiebeler, BR Morin
Journal of theoretical biology 246 (1), 136-144, 2007
Species extinction thresholds in the face of spatially correlated periodic disturbance
J Liao, Z Ying, DE Hiebeler, Y Wang, T Takada, I Nijs
Scientific Reports 5 (1), 15455, 2015
A cellular automaton SIS epidemiological model with spatially clustered recoveries
D Hiebeler
International Conference on Computational Science, 360-367, 2005
Grid-Set-Match, an agent-based simulation model, predicts fruit set for the lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium) agroecosystem
AW Bajcz, D Hiebeler, FA Drummond
Ecological modelling 361, 80-94, 2017
Partially mixed household epidemiological model with clustered resistant individuals
DE Hiebeler, AK Criner
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 75 (2 …, 2007
A brief review of cellular automata packages
D Hiebeler
Physica D (Nonlinear Phenomena);(Netherlands) 45, 1990
Locally dispersing populations in heterogeneous dynamic landscapes with spatiotemporal correlations. I. Block disturbance
DE Hiebeler, J Houle, F Drummond, P Bilodeau, J Merckens
Journal of Theoretical Biology 407, 212-224, 2016
MATLAB R/R Reference
D Hiebeler
URL: http://cran. rproject. org/doc/contrib/Hiebeler-matlabR. pdf (live on …, 2010
Quantifying spatial and temporal variability of spatially correlated disturbances
DE Hiebeler, IJ Michaud
Ecological Modelling 240, 64-73, 2012
Pair and triplet approximation of a spatial lattice population model with multiscale dispersal using Markov chains for estimating spatial autocorrelation
DE Hiebeler, NE Millett
Journal of theoretical biology 279 (1), 74-82, 2011
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Articles 1–20