Alizée Lehoux
Alizée Lehoux
Postdoctoral researcher, University of Uppsala
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Mobilisation of arsenic from bauxite residue (red mud) affected soils: effect of pH and redox conditions
CL Lockwood, RJG Mortimer, DI Stewart, WM Mayes, CL Peacock, ...
Applied Geochemistry 51, 268-277, 2014
Gypsum addition to soils contaminated by red mud: implications for aluminium, arsenic, molybdenum and vanadium solubility
AP Lehoux, CL Lockwood, WM Mayes, DI Stewart, RJG Mortimer, K Gruiz, ...
Environmental Geochemistry and Health 35, 643-656, 2013
The human exposome and health in the Anthropocene
O Karlsson, J Rocklöv, AP Lehoux, J Bergquist, A Rutgersson, MJ Blunt, ...
International Journal of Epidemiology 50 (2), 378-389, 2021
Magnetic resonance imaging measurements evidence weak dispersion in homogeneous porous media
AP Lehoux, S Rodts, P Faure, E Michel, D Courtier-Murias, P Coussot
Physical Review E 94 (5), 053107, 2016
Status of contaminated marine sediments in four Nordic countries: assessments, regulations, and remediation approaches
AP Lehoux, K Petersen, MT Leppänen, I Snowball, M Olsen
Journal of Soils and Sediments 20, 2619-2629, 2020
Combined time-lapse magnetic resonance imaging and modeling to investigate colloid deposition and transport in porous media
AP Lehoux, P Faure, F Lafolie, S Rodts, D Courtier-Murias, P Coussot, ...
Water Research 123, 12-20, 2017
Chromium (VI) retrieval from chromium ore processing residues by electrokinetic treatment
AP Lehoux, A Sanchez-Hachair, G Lefebvre, G Carlier, C Hébrard, ...
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 228, 1-13, 2017
Contaminated Sediments:: Review of solutions for protecting aquatic environments
M Olsen, K Petersen, AP Lehoux, M Leppänen, M Schaanning, I Snowball, ...
Nordic Council of Ministers, 2019
Transport and adsorption of nano-colloids in porous media observed by magnetic resonance imaging
AP Lehoux, P Faure, E Michel, D Courtier-Murias, S Rodts, P Coussot
Transport in Porous Media 119, 403-423, 2017
Extreme gas production in anthropogenic fibrous sediments: An overlooked biogenic source of greenhouse gas emissions
AP Lehoux, A Isidorova, F Collin, J Koestel, I Snowball, AK Dahlberg
Science of the Total Environment 781, 146772, 2021
Capping fiberbank sediments to reduce persistent organic pollutants (POPs) fluxes: A large-scale laboratory column experiment
AK Dahlberg, K Wiberg, I Snowball, AP Lehoux
Environmental Pollution 333, 122019, 2023
Pollution from land-based sources
I Snowball, AP Lehoux, J Crawshaw, C Savage, MR Hipsey, A Ghadouani, ...
Marine Extremes, 106-122, 2019
Biogas production as a remediation action for contaminated fibrous sediments
A Lehoux, A Schnurer, S Isaksson, AK Dahlberg, C Paul, ...
Omvandla fibersediment till hydrokol.: En ny teknik för att eliminera deponering och utvinna energi vid sanering av fiberbankar.
AK Dahlberg, AP Lehoux, P Axegård
Statens geotekniska institut, 2024
CoGas-projektet: Utveckling av en provtagningsmetod för att mätaföroreningstransport med gasflöden från fiberbankar
P Frogner-Kockum, AK Dahlberg, A Lehoux, W Zhu, E Eek, ...
Naturvårdsverket, 2024
Dynamics of colloid transport and retention during multiphase flow in 3D porous media
T Wu, Z Yang, A Lehoux, N Weisbrod, R Hu, Y Chen
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023, H21A-09, 2023
Measurements of methane emissions from fibrous sediments
E Sahlee, A Lehoux, S Josefsson, J Falise, D Sopher
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, A15G-1323, 2022
Remediation of contaminated fibrous sediments combined with energy production
A Lehoux, A Schnurer, S Isaksson, AK Dahlberg, C Paul, ...
Imagerie par résonance magnétique du transport et de la rétention des colloïdes dans les sols
A Lehoux
Université Paris-Est, 2016
How can magnetic resonance imaging help understanding colloidal particle transport in soils
A Lehoux, E Michel, PF Faure, D Courtier-Murias, F Lafolie, P Coussot
BGSI, International symposium of german priority programme SPP 1315 on …, 2016
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Articles 1–20