Petru Florin Mihancea
Petru Florin Mihancea
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iPlasma: An Integrated Platform for Quality Assessment of Object-Oriented Design
C Marinescu, R Marinescu, PF Mihancea, R Ratiu, Daniel, Wettel
Software Maintenance (ICSM), 2005. Proceedings of the 21st IEEE …, 2005
Towards the optimization of automatic detection of design flaws in object-oriented software systems
PF Mihancea, R Marinescu
Ninth European conference on software maintenance and reengineering, 92-101, 2005
Towards a client driven characterization of class hierarchies
PF Mihancea
14th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC'06), 285-294, 2006
Model inference and security testing in the spacios project
M Büchler, K Hossen, PF Mihancea, M Minea, R Groz, C Oriat
2014 Software Evolution Week-IEEE Conference on Software Maintenance …, 2014
McC and Mc#: Unified C++ and C# design facts extractors tools
PF Mihancea, G Ganea, I Verebi, C Marinescu, R Marinescu
Ninth International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for …, 2007
Memory trade-offs in layered self-corrected min-sum LDPC decoders
O Boncalo, A Amaricai, PF Mihancea, V Savin
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing 87 (2), 169-180, 2016
jModex: Model extraction for verifying security properties of web applications
PF Mihancea, M Minea
Software Maintenance, Reengineering and Reverse Engineering (CSMR-WCRE …, 2014
Type highlighting: A client-driven visual approach for class hierarchies reengineering
PF Mihancea
2008 Eighth IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis …, 2008
Template-based QC-LDPC decoder architecture generation
O Boncalo, PF Mihancea, A Amaricai
2015 10th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal …, 2015
Discovering comprehension pitfalls in class hierarchies
PF Mihancea, R Marinescu
2009 13th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 7-16, 2009
Towards a reverse engineering dataflow analysis framework for Java and C++
PF Mihancea
2008 10th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for …, 2008
Optimization of Automatic Detection of Design Flaws in Object-Oriented Systems
P Mihancea
Diploma Thesis,” Politehnica” University Timisoara, 2003
XCORE: Support for developing program analysis tools
A Ştefănică, PF Mihancea
2017 IEEE 24th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and …, 2017
Understanding Web Applications Using Component Based Visual Patterns
DC Cosma, PF Mihancea
IEEE 23rd International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC), 281 - 284, 2015
Patrools: Visualizing the Polymorphic Usage of Class Hierarchies
PF Mihancea
Program Comprehension (ICPC), 2010 IEEE 18th International Conference on, 36-37, 2010
A novel client-driven perspective on class hierarchy understanding and quality assessment
PF Mihancea
Timişoara: Editura Politehnica, 2009
The extraction of detailed design information from C++ software systems
PF Mihancea
Master thesis,“Politehnica” University of Timisoara, 2004
Optimizarea detectiei automate a carentelor de proiectare ın sistemele software orientate pe obiecte
PF Mihancea
Diploma thesis in the Faculty of Automatics and Computer Science of the …, 2003
Towards Feature Envy Design Flaw Detection at Block Level
Á Kiss, PF Mihancea
2018 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution …, 2018
NullTerminator: Pseudo-Automatic Refactoring to Null Object Design Pattern
S Medeleanu, PF Mihancea
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Articles 1–20