Amanda A. Olsen
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Teacher Job Satisfaction by Principal Support and Teacher Cooperation: Results from the Schools and Staffing Survey.
AA Olsen, FL Huang
Education Policy Analysis Archives 27 (11), n11, 2019
Positive teacher-student relationships may lead to better teaching
X Li, C Bergin, AA Olsen
Learning and Instruction 80, 101581, 2022
How to use the Delphi method to aid in decision making and build consensus in pharmacy education
AA Olsen, MD Wolcott, ST Haines, KK Janke, JE McLaughlin
Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning 13 (10), 1376-1385, 2021
Using multiple linear regression in pharmacy education scholarship
AA Olsen, JE McLaughlin, SE Harpe
Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning 12 (10), 1258-1268, 2020
General education teachers’ use of evidence-based practices: Examining the role of student race and risk status
AL Green, TJ Lewis, AA Olsen
Behavioral Disorders 45 (3), 183-192, 2020
The association between student socioeconomic status and student–teacher relationships on math achievement.
AA Olsen, FL Huang
School Psychology 36 (6), 464, 2021
A systematic review examining the efficacy of commercially available foreign language learning mobile apps
JM Tommerdahl, CS Dragonflame, AA Olsen
Computer Assisted Language Learning 37 (3), 333-362, 2024
Qualitative evaluation of a junior faculty team mentoring program
LM Minshew, JM Zeeman, AA Olsen, AA Bush, JH Patterson, ...
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 85 (4), 8281, 2021
Cognitive apprenticeship in STEM graduate education: A qualitative review of the literature
LM Minshew, AA Olsen, JE McLaughlin
AERA Open 7, 23328584211052044, 2021
Perceptions of autonomy: Differential job satisfaction for general and special educators using a nationally representative dataset
AA Olsen, EN Mason
Teaching and Teacher Education 123, 103999, 2023
Interaction of socioeconomic status and class relations on reading
AA Olsen, FL Huang
Journal of Literacy Research 54 (3), 346-369, 2022
Authoritative school climate and out-of-school suspensions: Results from a nationally-representative survey of 10th grade students
FL Huang, AA Olsen, D Cohen, N Coombs
Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth 65 …, 2021
Emerging innovations and professional skills needed within pharmacy curricula
AA Olsen, LM Minshew, KA Morbitzer, TP Brock, JE McLaughlin
Journal of medical education and curricular development 7, 2382120520943597, 2020
A mapping review of teamwork training and assessment in pharmacy education
KA Morbitzer, AA Olsen, JE McLaughlin
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 85 (3), 8356, 2021
Characterizing research about interprofessional education within pharmacy
AA Olsen, CP Lupton-Smith, PT Rodgers, JE McLaughlin
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 85 (8), 8541, 2021
A review of interprofessional education research: Disciplines, authorship practices, research design, and dissemination trends
AA Olsen, CL Brantner, GLB Dallaghan, JE McLaughlin
Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice 32, 100653, 2023
Disparities across race and disability risk: Assessing teacher practices
AL Green, AA Olsen, V Nandakumar
Psychology in the Schools 58 (6), 1070-1081, 2021
Exploring the future of graduate education in pharmaceutical fields
AA Olsen, LM Minshew, MB Jarstfer, JE McLaughlin
Medical Science Educator 30, 75-79, 2020
Technical features of slopes for curriculum-based measures of secondary writing
JE Romig, AA Olsen
Reading & Writing Quarterly 37 (6), 535-551, 2021
Efficacy of Mobile Apps in Teaching Foreign Languages: A Systematic Review.
CS Dragonflame, AA Olsen, JM Tommerdahl
ORTESOL Journal 38, 33-35, 2021
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