Guillaume Sagnol
Guillaume Sagnol
Junior Research Group Leader, TU Berlin
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PICOS: A Python interface to conic optimization solvers
G Sagnol, M Stahlberg
Journal of Open Source Software 7 (70), 3915, 2022
Computing exact -optimal designs by mixed integer second-order cone programming
G Sagnol, R Harman
Computing optimal designs of multiresponse experiments reduces to second-order cone programming
G Sagnol
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 141 (5), 1684-1708, 2011
On the semidefinite representations of real functions applied to symmetric matrices
G Sagnol
Linear Algebra and its Applications 439 (10), 2829-2843, 2013
A Stackelberg game to optimize the distribution of controls in transportation networks
R Borndörfer, B Omont, G Sagnol, E Swarat
3rd International conference on Game Theory for Networks (GAMENETS 2012 …, 2012
Submodularity and randomized rounding techniques for optimal experimental design
M Bouhtou, S Gaubert, G Sagnol
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 36, 679-686, 2010
Optimizing toll enforcement in transportation networks: a game-theoretic approach
R Borndörfer, J Buwaya, G Sagnol, E Swarat
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 41, 253-260, 2013
Approximation of a maximum-submodular-coverage problem involving spectral functions, with application to experimental designs
G Sagnol
Discrete Applied Mathematics 161 (1-2), 258-276, 2013
Robust allocation of operating rooms: A cutting plane approach to handle lognormal case durations
G Sagnol, C Barner, R Borndörfer, M Grima, M Seeling, C Spies, ...
European Journal of Operational Research 271 (2), 420-435, 2018
A class of semidefinite programs with rank-one solutions
G Sagnol
Linear Algebra and its Applications 435 (6), 1446-1463, 2011
Optimal monitoring in large networks by Successive c-Optimal Designs
G Sagnol, S Gaubert, M Bouhtou
2010 22nd International Teletraffic Congress (lTC 22), 1-8, 2010
An IP approach to toll enforcement optimization on german motorways
R Borndörfer, G Sagnol, E Swarat
Operations Research Proceedings 2011: Selected Papers of the International …, 2012
Optimization of network traffic measurement: a semidefinite programming approach
M Bouhtou, S Gaubert, G Sagnol
Proceedings of the International 230, 2008
An algorithm based on semidefinite programming for finding minimax optimal designs
BPM Duarte, G Sagnol, WK Wong
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 119, 99-117, 2018
An extended network interdiction problem for optimal toll control
R Borndörfer, G Sagnol, S Schwartz
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 52, 301-308, 2016
The price of fixed assignments in stochastic extensible bin packing
G Sagnol, D Schmidt genannt Waldschmidt, A Tesch
International Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms, 327-347, 2018
Optimal duty rostering for toll enforcement inspectors
R Borndörfer, G Sagnol, T Schlechte, E Swarat
Annals of Operations Research 252, 383-406, 2017
Picos documentation
G Sagnol
A Python interface to conic optimization solvers. Release 0.1 1, 2012
A case study on optimizing toll enforcements on motorways
R Borndörfer, G Sagnol, E Swarat
3rd Student Conference on Operational Research, 2012
Optimal design of experiments with application to the inference of traffic matrices in large networks: second order cone programming and submodularity
G Sagnol
École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2010
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Articles 1–20