siti ashraf binti abdullah
siti ashraf binti abdullah
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Effect of annealing temperature of titanium dioxide thin films on structural and electrical properties
AS Bakri, MZ Sahdan, F Adriyanto, NA Raship, NDM Said, SA Abdullah, ...
AIP conference proceedings 1788 (1), 2017
Neutron beam interaction with rutile TiO2 single crystal (1 1 1): Raman and XPS study on Ti3+-oxygen vacancy formation
SA Abdullah, MZ Sahdan, N Nayan, Z Embong, CRC Hak, F Adriyanto
Materials Letters 263, 127143, 2020
Influence of substrate annealing on inducing Ti3+ and oxygen vacancy in TiO2 thin films deposited via RF magnetron sputtering
SA Abdullah, MZ Sahdan, N Nafarizal, H Saim, Z Embong, CHC Rohaida, ...
Applied Surface Science 462, 575-582, 2018
S Abdullah, T Sutanto
Perbandingan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Antara Kurikulum, 360-370, 2013
Photoluminescence study of trap-state defect on TiO2thin films at different substrate temperature via RF magnetron sputtering
SA Abdullah, MZ Sahdan, N Nafarizal, H Saim, AS Bakri, CH Cik Rohaida, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 995, 012067, 2018
Performance evaluation of the RTK-GNSS navigating under different landscape
KM Ng, J Johari, SAC Abdullah, A Ahmad, BN Laja
2018 18th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS …, 2018
Reviewing the consistency of the Naïve Bayes Classifier’s performance in medical diagnosis and prognosis problems
NA Fauziyyah, S Abdullah, S Nurrohmah
AIP Conference Proceedings 2242 (1), 2020
Multinomial logistic regression and spline regression for credit risk modelling
MR Adha, S Nurrohmah, S Abdullah
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1108 (1), 012019, 2018
Bayesian logistic regression and its application for hypothyroid prediction in post-radiation nasopharyngeal cancer patients
PA Lukman, S Abdullah, A Rachman
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1725 (1), 012010, 2021
Geographically weighted models for modelling the prevalence of tuberculosis in Java
S Noorcintanami, Y Widyaningsih, S Abdullah
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1722 (1), 012089, 2021
Parkinson’s disease subtype classification: Application of decision tree, logistic regression and logit leaf model
A Nurrohman, S Abdullah, H Murfi
AIP Conference Proceedings 2242 (1), 2020
Analysis of factors affecting employee loyalty of PT X in Jakarta region
RP Karimah, S Abdullah, R Setiadi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1725 (1), 012091, 2021
Effects of annealing temperature on structural, morphology and optical properties of TiO2 thin film
NDM Said, MZ Sahdan, I Senain, AS Bakri, SA Abdullah, F Mokhter, ...
ARPN J. Eng. Appl. Sci 11, 1819-6608, 2016
ATR-FTIR and chemometric method for the detection of pig-based derivatives in food products-A review.
S Siska, MI Jumadil, S Abdullah, D Ramadon, A Mun'im
International Food Research Journal 30 (2), 2023
Optimum storage temperature of mature drop durian (Durio zibethinus cv. Musang King)
NA Razali, NK Rosly, FA Hamzah, SA Abdullah, W Hussin
International Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Plantation 10 (9), 267-273, 2020
Application of partitioning around medoids cluster for analysis of stunting in 100 priority regencies in Indonesia
MA Ramdani, S Abdullah
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1722 (1), 012097, 2021
Mechanism of room temperature oxygen sensor based on nanocrystalline TiO2 film
AS Bakri, MZ Sahdan, N Nafarizal, SA Abdullah, NDM Said, NA Raship, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 995 (1), 012066, 2018
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.
SA Abdullah, MZ Sahdan, N Nafarizal, H Saim, AS Bakri, CHC Rohaida, ...
IOP Publishing, 2018
The enhancement of heavy metal removal from polluted river water treatment by integrated carbon-aluminium electrodes using electrochemical method
NM Yussuf, Z Embong, S Abdullah, MIM Masirin, SAA Tajudin, S Ahmad, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 298 (1), 012006, 2018
Comparison of Poisson and Quasi-Poisson regression: A simulation study
A Gabriella, S Abdullah, SM Soemartojo
ICSA-International Conference on Statistics and Analytics 2019, 1-8, 2019
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Articles 1–20