Marcus M. Butts
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The sources of four commonly reported cutoff criteria: What did they really say?
CE Lance, MM Butts, LC Michels
Organizational research methods 9 (2), 202-220, 2006
Predictors of success in the era of the boundaryless career
LT Eby, MM Butts, A Lockwood
Journal of Organizational Behavior 24 (6), 689-708, 2003
Creating safer workplaces: assessing the determinants and role of safety climate
DM DeJoy, BS Schaffer, MG Wilson, RJ Vandenberg, MM Butts
Journal of Safety Research 35 (1), 81-90, 2004
Experience sampling methods: A discussion of critical trends and considerations for scholarly advancement
AS Gabriel, NP Podsakoff, DJ Beal, BA Scott, S Sonnentag, JP Trougakos, ...
Organizational Research Methods 22 (4), 969-1006, 2019
How important are work–family support policies? A meta-analytic investigation of their effects on employee outcomes.
MM Butts, WJ Casper, TS Yang
Journal of Applied Psychology 98 (1), 1-25, 2013
A multilevel model of employee innovation: Understanding the effects of regulatory focus, thriving, and employee involvement climate
JC Wallace, MM Butts, PD Johnson, FG Stevens, MB Smith
Journal of Management 42 (4), 982-1004, 2016
Protégés negative mentoring experiences: Construct development and nomological validation
L Eby, MM Butts, A Lockwood, SA Simon
Personnel Psychology 57 (2), 411-447, 2004
Hot buttons and time sinks: The effects of electronic communication during nonwork time on emotions and work-nonwork conflict
MM Butts, WJ Becker, WR Boswell
Academy of Management Journal 58 (3), 763-788, 2015
Individual reactions to high involvement work processes: Investigating the role of empowerment and perceived organizational support.
MM Butts, RJ Vandenberg, DM DeJoy, BS Schaffer, MG Wilson
Journal of occupational health psychology 14 (2), 122, 2009
Do international networks and foreign market knowledge facilitate SME internationalization? Evidence from the Czech Republic
M Musteen, DK Datta, MM Butts
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 38 (4), 749-774, 2014
In search of balance: A conceptual and empirical integration of multiple meanings of work–family balance
JH Wayne, MM Butts, WJ Casper, TD Allen
Personnel Psychology 70 (1), 167-210, 2017
Effects of management communication, opportunity for learning, and work schedule flexibility on organizational commitment
TWH Ng, MM Butts, RJ Vandenberg, DM DeJoy, MG Wilson
Journal of Vocational Behavior 68 (3), 474-489, 2006
Are bad experiences stronger than good ones in mentoring relationships? Evidence from the protégé and mentor perspective
LT Eby, MM Butts, J Durley, BR Ragins
Journal of Vocational Behavior 77 (1), 81-92, 2010
I just can’t control myself: A self-regulation perspective on the abuse of deviant employees
MB Mawritz, RL Greenbaum, MM Butts, KA Graham
Academy of Management Journal 60 (4), 1482-1503, 2017
The intersection of work and family life: The role of affect
LT Eby, CP Maher, MM Butts
Annual review of psychology 61, 599-622, 2010
Tethered to work: A family systems approach linking mobile device use to turnover intentions.
M Ferguson, D Carlson, W Boswell, D Whitten, MM Butts, KM Kacmar
Journal of Applied Psychology 101 (4), 520, 2016
Perceived support for mentoring: A multiple perspectives approach
LT Eby, AL Lockwood, MM Butts
Journal of Vocational Behavior 68 (2), 267-291, 2006
Further understanding incivility in the workplace: The effects of gender, agency, and communion.
AS Gabriel, MM Butts, Z Yuan, RL Rosen, MT Sliter
Journal of Applied Psychology 103 (4), 362, 2018
Psychological contract breaches and employee voice behaviour: The moderating effects of changes in social relationships
TWH Ng, DC Feldman, MM Butts
European journal of work and organizational psychology 23 (4), 537-553, 2014
Effectiveness of organizational efforts to lower turnover intentions: The moderating role of employee locus of control
TWH Ng, MM Butts
Human Resource Management: Published in Cooperation with the School of …, 2009
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Articles 1–20