Pavel Seredin
Pavel Seredin
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Cited by
Synthesis of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite by precipitation using hen's eggshell
DL Goloshchapov, VM Kashkarov, NA Rumyantseva, PV Seredin, ...
ceramics International 39 (4), 4539-4549, 2013
" Ruspersonality": A Russian corpus for authorship profiling and deception detection
T Litvinova, O Litvinlova, O Zagorovskaya, P Seredin, A Sboev, ...
2016 International FRUCT Conference on Intelligence, Social Media and Web …, 2016
Phase transformations in a human tooth tissue at the initial stage of caries
P Seredin, D Goloshchapov, T Prutskij, Y Ippolitov
PLoS One 10 (4), e0124008, 2015
XRD, AFM and IR investigations of ordered AlGaAs2 phase in epitaxial AlxGa1–xAs/GaAs (100) heterostructures
EP Domashevskaya, PV Seredin, AN Lukin, LA Bityutskaya, ...
Surface and Interface Analysis: An International Journal devoted to the …, 2006
Structural and optical investigations of AlxGa1− xAs: Si/GaAs (1 0 0) MOCVD heterostructures
PV Seredin, AV Glotov, EP Domashevskaya, IN Arsentyev, DA Vinokurov, ...
Physica B: Condensed Matter 405 (22), 4607-4614, 2010
Raman investigation of low temperature AlGaAs/GaAs (1 0 0) heterostructures
PV Seredin, AV Glotov, EP Domashevskaya, IN Arsentyev, DA Vinokurov, ...
Physica B: Condensed Matter 405 (12), 2694-2696, 2010
Preparation and degradation of the optical properties of nano-, meso-, and macroporous silicon
AS Lenshin, PV Seredin, BL Agapov, DA Minakov, VM Kashkarov
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 30, 25-30, 2015
Fabrication and characterisation of composites materials similar optically and in composition to native dental tissues
PV Seredin, DL Goloshchapov, T Prutskij, YA Ippolitov
Results in physics 7, 1086-1094, 2017
Ultrathin nano-sized Al2O3 strips on the surface of por-Si
PV Seredin, AS Lenshin, VM Kashkarov, AN Lukin, IN Arsentiev, ...
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 39, 551-558, 2015
Structural features and surface morphology of AlxGayIn1− x− yAszP1− z/GaAs (1 0 0) heterostructures
PV Seredin, AV Glotov, EP Domashevskaya, IN Arsentyev, DA Vinokurov, ...
Applied surface science 267, 181-184, 2013
XANES and IR spectroscopy study of the electronic structure and chemical composition of porous silicon on n- and p-type substrates
AS Lenshin, VM Kashkarov, PV Seredin, YM Spivak, VA Moshnikov
Semiconductors 45, 1183-1188, 2011
Исследование электронного строения и химического состава пористого кремния, полученного на подложках n-и p-типа, методами XANES и ИК спектроскопии
АС Леньшин, ВМ Кашкаров, ПВ Середин, ЮМ Спивак, ВА Мошников
Физика и техника полупроводников 45 (9), 1229, 2011
Spinodal Decomposition of Ga x In1−x As y P1−y Quaternary Alloys
PV Seredin, AV Glotov, VE Ternovaya, EP Domashevskaya, IN Arsentyev, ...
Semiconductors 45, 1433-1440, 2011
The substructure and luminescence of low-temperature AlGaAs/GaAs (100) heterostructures
PV Seredin, AV Glotov, EP Domashevskaya, IN Arsentyev, DA Vinokurov, ...
Semiconductors 44, 184-188, 2010
Structural, optical and morphological properties of hybrid heterostructures on the basis of GaN grown on compliant substrate por-Si (111)
PV Seredin, AS Lenshin, AM Mizerov, H Leiste, M Rinke
Applied Surface Science 476, 1049-1060, 2019
Deception detection in Russian texts
O Litvinova, P Seredin, T Litvinova, J Lyell
Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop at the 15th Conference of the …, 2017
Effect of silicon on relaxation of the crystal lattice in MOCVD–hydride Al x Ga1 − x As:Si/GaAs(100) heterostructures
PV Seredin, AV Glotov, VE Ternovaya, EP Domashevskaya, IN Arsentyev, ...
Semiconductors 45, 481-492, 2011
Pathology-specific molecular profiles of saliva in patients with multiple dental caries—potential application for predictive, preventive and personalised medical services
P Seredin, D Goloshchapov, Y Ippolitov, P Vongsvivut
Epma Journal 9, 195-203, 2018
Distinctions of the growth and structural-spectroscopic investigations of thin AlN films grown on the GaAs substrates
PV Seredin, VM Kashkarov, IN Arsentyev, AD Bondarev, IS Tarasov
Physica B: Condensed Matter 495, 54-63, 2016
Structural and spectral features of MOCVD Al x Ga y In1 − xy As z P1 − z /GaAs (100 …
PV Seredin, AV Glotov, EP Domashevskaya, AS Lenshin, MS Smirnov, ...
Semiconductors 46, 719-729, 2012
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Articles 1–20