mohd. zamin jumaat
mohd. zamin jumaat
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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Evaluation of thermal conductivity, mechanical and transport properties of lightweight aggregate foamed geopolymer concrete
MYJ Liu, UJ Alengaram, MZ Jumaat, KH Mo
Energy and Buildings 72, 238-245, 2014
Utilization of solid wastes in construction materials
M Safiuddin, MZ Jumaat, MA Salam, MS Islam, R Hashim
International journal of physical sciences 5 (13), 1952-1963, 2010
Utilization of oil palm kernel shell as lightweight aggregate in concrete–A review
UJ Alengaram, BA Al Muhit, MZ bin Jumaat
Construction and building materials 38, 161-172, 2013
Mechanisms of interfacial bond in steel and polypropylene fiber reinforced geopolymer composites
N Ranjbar, S Talebian, M Mehrali, C Kuenzel, HSC Metselaar, MZ Jumaat
Composites Science and Technology 122, 73-81, 2016
The development of compressive strength of ground granulated blast furnace slag-palm oil fuel ash-fly ash based geopolymer mortar
A Islam, UJ Alengaram, MZ Jumaat, II Bashar
Materials & Design (1980-2015) 56, 833-841, 2014
Compressive strength and microstructural analysis of fly ash/palm oil fuel ash based geopolymer mortar under elevated temperatures
N Ranjbar, M Mehrali, UJ Alengaram, HSC Metselaar, MZ Jumaat
Construction and building materials 65, 114-121, 2014
Graphene nanoplatelet-fly ash based geopolymer composites
N Ranjbar, M Mehrali, M Mehrali, UJ Alengaram, MZ Jumaat
Cement and Concrete Research 76, 222-231, 2015
A review on microstructural study and compressive strength of geopolymer mortar, paste and concrete
C Ng, UJ Alengaram, LS Wong, KH Mo, MZ Jumaat, S Ramesh
Construction and Building Materials 186, 550-576, 2018
Agricultural wastes as aggregate in concrete mixtures–A review
P Shafigh, HB Mahmud, MZ Jumaat, M Zargar
Construction and Building Materials 53, 110-117, 2014
Incorporation of nano-materials in cement composite and geopolymer based paste and mortar–A review
M Sumesh, UJ Alengaram, MZ Jumaat, KH Mo, MF Alnahhal
Construction and Building Materials 148, 62-84, 2017
Enhancement of mechanical properties in polypropylene–and nylon–fibre reinforced oil palm shell concrete
SP Yap, UJ Alengaram, MZ Jumaat
Materials & Design 49, 1034-1041, 2013
Recycling of seashell waste in concrete: A review
KH Mo, UJ Alengaram, MZ Jumaat, SC Lee, WI Goh, CW Yuen
Construction and Building Materials 162, 751-764, 2018
Green concrete partially comprised of farming waste residues: a review
KH Mo, UJ Alengaram, MZ Jumaat, SP Yap, SC Lee
Journal of Cleaner Production 117, 122-138, 2016
Durability and mechanical properties of self-compacting concrete incorporating palm oil fuel ash
N Ranjbar, A Behnia, B Alsubari, PM Birgani, MZ Jumaat
Journal of Cleaner Production 112, 723-730, 2016
Compressive strength and microstructural analysis of fly ash/palm oil fuel ash based geopolymer mortar
N Ranjbar, M Mehrali, A Behnia, UJ Alengaram, MZ Jumaat
Materials & Design 59, 532-539, 2014
Oil palm shell as a lightweight aggregate for production high strength lightweight concrete
P Shafigh, MZ Jumaat, H Mahmud
Construction and Building Materials 25 (4), 1848-1853, 2011
Estimating building energy consumption using extreme learning machine method
S Naji, A Keivani, S Shamshirband, UJ Alengaram, MZ Jumaat, Z Mansor, ...
Energy 97, 506-516, 2016
Flexural toughness characteristics of steel–polypropylene hybrid fibre-reinforced oil palm shell concrete
SP Yap, CH Bu, UJ Alengaram, KH Mo, MZ Jumaat
Materials & Design 57, 652-659, 2014
A comparison of the thermal conductivity of oil palm shell foamed concrete with conventional materials
UJ Alengaram, BA Al Muhit, MZ bin Jumaat, MLY Jing
Materials & Design 51, 522-529, 2013
Enhancement and prediction of modulus of elasticity of palm kernel shell concrete
UJ Alengaram, H Mahmud, MZ Jumaat
Materials & Design 32 (4), 2143-2148, 2011
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Articles 1–20