Mahendran Moorthy
Cited by
Cited by
Performance of evacuated tube solar collector using water-based titanium oxide nanofluid
M Mahendran, GC Lee, KV Sharma, A Shahrani, RA Bakar
Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences 3, 301-310, 2012
The efficiency enhancement on the direct flow evacuated tube solar collector using water-based titanium oxide nanofluids
M Mahendran, TZS Ali, A Shahrani, RA Bakar
Applied mechanics and materials 465, 308-315, 2014
An Experimental comparison study between Single-Axis Tracking and Fixed Photovoltaic Solar Panel Efficiency and Power Output: Case Study in East Coast Malaysia
M Mahendran, O HL, GC Lee, T K
Diurnal pattern and estimation of global solar radiation in East Coast Malaysia
M Mahendran, L GC, A Shahrani, B RA, K Kadirgama, A AR, KV Sharma
International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering 8, 1162-1175, 2013
Simulation model to assess electrical power generation from tidal basin in coastal area of Malaysia
KY Kor, S Anuar, A Shukrie, H Ibrahim, M Mahendran
Applied Mechanics and Materials 679, 101-105, 2014
Simulation Model to Assess Tidal Potential Energy in East Coast of Malaysia Using GIS
LY Tan, S Anuar, A Shukrie, M Firdaus Basrawi, M Mahendran
Applied Mechanics and Materials 679, 106-111, 2014
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