Mona Hella
Mona Hella
Associate professor, ECSE Department, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
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A 1.94 to 2.55 GHz, 3.6 to 4.77 GHz tunable CMOS VCO based on double-tuned, double-driven coupled resonators
B Catli, MM Hella
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 44 (9), 2463-2477, 2009
RF CMOS power amplifiers: theory, design and implementation
MM Hella, M Ismail
Springer Science & Business Media, 2005
A 10 Gb/s Inductorless AGC Amplifier With 40 dB Linear Variable Gain Control in 0.13$\upmu\text {m} $ CMOS
S Ray, MM Hella
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 51 (2), 440-456, 2015
Integrated high-frequency power converters based on GaAs pHEMT: Technology characterization and design examples
V Pala, H Peng, P Wright, MM Hella, TP Chow
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 27 (5), 2644-2656, 2011
A wideband SiGe BiCMOS frequency doubler with 6.5-dBm peak output power for millimeter-wave signal sources
K Wu, S Muralidharan, MM Hella
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 66 (1), 187-200, 2017
Multi-transceiver optical wireless spherical structures for MANETs
B Nakhkoob, M Bilgi, M Yuksel, M Hella
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 27 (9), 1612-1622, 2009
A 12-m 2.5-Gb/s lighting compatible integrated receiver for OOK visible light communication links
B Fahs, AJ Chowdhury, MM Hella
Journal of Lightwave Technology 34 (16), 3768-3775, 2016
Analysis and optimization of asynchronously controlled electrostatic energy harvesters
A Kempitiya, DA Borca-Tasciuc, MM Hella
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 59 (1), 456-463, 2011
Triple-push operation for combined oscillation/divison functionality in millimeter-wave frequency synthesizers
B Çatlı, MM Hella
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 45 (8), 1575-1589, 2010
Modeling terahertz plasmonic Si FETs with SPICE
A Gutin, S Nahar, M Hella, M Shur
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 3 (5), 545-549, 2013
Low-power ASIC for microwatt electrostatic energy harvesters
A Kempitiya, DA Borca-Tasciuc, MM Hella
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 60 (12), 5639-5647, 2012
Localized microwave heating in microwells for parallel DNA amplification applications
A Kempitiya, DA Borca-Tasciuc, HS Mohamed, MM Hella
Applied Physics Letters 94 (6), 2009
A 0.5-V 3.6/5.2 GHz CMOS multi-band LC VCO for ultra low-voltage wireless applications
B Catli, MM Hella
2008 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 996-999, 2008
A −68 dB THD, 0.6 mm2 Active Area Biosignal Acquisition System With a 40–320 Hz Duty-Cycle Controlled Filter
YP Hsu, Z Liu, MM Hella
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 67 (1), 48-59, 2019
A 53 dB-GHz Inductorless Transimpedance Amplifier and a 1-THz+ GBP Limiting Amplifier in 0.13-m CMOS
S Ray, MM Hella
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 65 (8), 2365-2377, 2018
A thermal/RF hybrid energy harvesting system with rectifying-combination and improved fractional-OCV MPPT method
Z Liu, YP Hsu, MM Hella
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 67 (10), 3352-3363, 2020
High speed photodiodes in standard nanometer scale CMOS technology: a comparative study
B Nakhkoob, S Ray, MM Hella
Optics express 20 (10), 11256-11270, 2012
An RF-DC Converter IC With On-Chip Adaptive Impedance Matching and 307-W Peak Output Power for Health Monitoring Applications
Z Liu, YP Hsu, B Fahs, MM Hella
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems 26 (8 …, 2018
Copper-coated reduced graphene oxide fiber mesh-polymer composite films for electromagnetic interference shielding
M Li, K Yang, W Zhu, J Shen, J Rollinson, M Hella, J Lian
ACS Applied Nano Materials 3 (6), 5565-5574, 2020
A Gbps building-to-building VLC link using standard CMOS avalanche photodiodes
B Fahs, M Romanowicz, MM Hella
IEEE Photonics Journal 9 (6), 1-9, 2017
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Articles 1–20