Catherine Cole
Catherine Cole
Professor of Marketing, University of Iowa
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Affective responses to service failure: Anger, regret, and retaliatory versus conciliatory responses
C Bonifield, C Cole
Marketing Letters 18, 85-99, 2007
Consumers' search and use of nutrition information: The challenge and promise of the nutrition labeling and education act
SK Balasubramanian, C Cole
Journal of marketing 66 (3), 112-127, 2002
Factors influencing the price premiums that consumers pay for national brands over store brands
R Sethuraman, C Cole
Journal of Product & Brand Management 8 (4), 340-351, 1999
Age differences in consumers' search for information: Public policy implications
CA Cole, SK Balasubramanian
Journal of consumer research 20 (1), 157-169, 1993
Consumer decision making and aging: Current knowledge and future directions
C Yoon, CA Cole, MP Lee
Journal of Consumer Psychology 19 (1), 2-16, 2009
Age differences in information processing: Understanding deficits in young and elderly consumers
DR John, CA Cole
Journal of consumer research 13 (3), 297-315, 1986
The effects of length, content, and repetition on television commercial effectiveness
SN Singh, CA Cole
Journal of marketing research 30 (1), 91-104, 1993
The orbitofrontal cortex, real‐world decision making, and normal aging
NL Denburg, CA Cole, M Hernandez, TH Yamada, D Tranel, A Bechara, ...
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1121 (1), 480-498, 2007
Cognitive and age-related differences in the ability to use nutritional information in a complex environment
CA Cole, GJ Gaeth
Journal of Marketing research 27 (2), 175-184, 1990
Product returns on the internet: a case of mixed signals?
C Bonifield, C Cole, RL Schultz
Journal of Business Research 63 (9-10), 1058-1065, 2010
Services marketing: Principles and practice
A Palmer, C Cole
(No Title), 1995
Cross-national logo evaluation analysis: An individual-level approach
R Van der Lans, JA Cote, CA Cole, SM Leong, A Smidts, PW Henderson, ...
Marketing science 28 (5), 968-985, 2009
Encoding and media effects on consumer learning deficiencies in the elderly
CA Cole, MJ Houston
Journal of Marketing Research 24 (1), 55-63, 1987
Decision making and brand choice by older consumers
C Cole, G Laurent, A Drolet, J Ebert, A Gutchess, R Lambert-Pandraud, ...
Marketing Letters 19, 355-365, 2008
Why do consumers pay more for national brands than for store brands?
R Sethuraman, C Cole
(No Title), 1997
Deterrence and consumer fraud
CA Cole
Journal of Retailing 65 (1), 107, 1989
Better him than me: social comparison theory and service recovery
C Bonifield, CA Cole
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 36, 565-577, 2008
Poor decision making among older adults is related to elevated levels of neuroticism
NL Denburg, JA Weller, TH Yamada, DM Shivapour, AR Kaup, ...
Annals of Behavioral Medicine 37 (2), 164-172, 2009
Mood effects on attitudes, perceived risk and choice: Moderators and mediators
A Fedorikhin, CA Cole
Journal of Consumer Psychology 14 (1-2), 2-12, 2004
A neuropsychological test of belief and doubt: damage to ventromedial prefrontal cortex increases credulity for misleading advertising
E Asp, K Manzel, B Koestner, C Cole, NL Denburg, D Tranel
Frontiers in Neuroscience 6, 21828, 2012
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Articles 1–20