Judy van Biljon
Judy van Biljon
Professor of Information Systems, University of South Africa
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Predicting technology acceptance and adoption by the elderly: a qualitative study
K Renaud, J Van Biljon
Proceedings of the 2008 annual research conference of the South African …, 2008
Modelling the factors that influence mobile phone adoption
J Van Biljon, P Kotzé
Proceedings of the 2007 annual research conference of the South African …, 2007
Cultural factors in a mobile phone adoption and usage model
J van Biljon, P Kotzé
Journal of Universal Computer Science 14 (16), 2650-2679, 2008
A qualitative study of the applicability of technology acceptance models to senior mobile phone users
J van Biljon, K Renaud
Advances in Conceptual Modeling–Challenges and Opportunities, 228-237, 2008
Teachers' ICT adoption in South African rural schools: a study of technology readiness and implications for the South Africa connect broadband policy
SD Mwapwele, M Marais, S Dlamini, J Van Biljon
The African Journal of Information and Communication 24, 1-21, 2019
Usability evaluation methods: mind the gaps
E de Kock, J van Biljon, M Pretorius
Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Research Conference of the South African …, 2009
A blended learning approach for teaching computer programming: design for large classes in Sub-Saharan Africa
TB Bati, H Gelderblom, J Van Biljon
Computer Science Education 24 (1), 71-99, 2014
A model for representing the motivational and cultural factors that influence mobile phone usage variety
JA Van Biljon
How can usability contribute to user experience? A study in the domain of e-commerce
IM Moczarny, MR De Villiers, JA Van Biljon
Proceedings of the South African Institute for Computer Scientists and …, 2012
Don’t do this–Pitfalls in using anti-patterns in teaching human–computer interaction principles
P Kotzé, K Renaud, J van Biljon
Computers & Education 50 (3), 979-1008, 2008
Usability evaluation for Business Intelligence applications: A user support perspective
C Jooste, J Van Biljon, J Mentz
South African Computer Journal 53 (si-1), 32-44, 2014
Mobile phone adoption: Do existing models adequately capture the actual usage of older adults?
H Gelderblom, T Van Dyk, J Van Biljon
Proceedings of the 2010 annual research conference of the south african …, 2010
Worth-centred mobile phone design for older users
K Renaud, J van Biljon
Universal Access in the Information Society 9, 387-403, 2010
A model for intelligent computer-aided education systems
JP Du Plessis, JA Van Biljon, CJ Tolmie, T Wollinger
Computers & Education 24 (2), 89-106, 1995
Evaluation of management information systems: A study at a further education and training college
M Visser, J Van Biljon, ME Herselman
AOSIS, 2013
Teaching SQL—Which pedagogical horse for this course?
K Renaud, J Van Biljon
Key Technologies for Data Management: 21st British National Conference on …, 2004
Learning management systems: ICT skills, usability and learnability
M Pretorius, J van Biljon
Interactive Technology and Smart Education 7 (1), 30-43, 2010
Validating mobile phone design guidelines: focusing on the elderly in a developing country
J Van Biljon, K Renaud
Proceedings of the annual conference of the South African Institute of …, 2016
Digital platforms for research collaboration: using design science in developing a South African open knowledge repository
J van Biljon, M Marais, M Platz
Information Technology for Development 23 (3), 463-485, 2017
The communicative power of knowledge visualizations in mobilizing information and communication technology research
J van Biljon, KM Osei-Bryson
Information Technology for Development 26 (4), 637-652, 2020
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Articles 1–20