mehrnoosh kaviani
mehrnoosh kaviani
assistant professor Ardabil University Medical Science
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Antibacterial, physical and mechanical properties of flowable resin composites containing zinc oxide nanoparticles
ST Hojati, H Alaghemand, F Hamze, FA Babaki, R Rajab-Nia, ...
Dental materials 29 (5), 495-505, 2013
Fracture Rate in Smart Tract X3 in Root Canal Treatment of Tooth
M Kaviani, P Alavinejad, F Khodadadnejad
Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences 23 (2), 126-133, 2023
The Effect of Common and New Endodontic Irrigation Solutions on the Microhardness and the Roughness of Root Canal Dentin
P Alavinejad, M Kaviani, M Yazdizadeh, A Kheiri, S Ranji
Jundishapur Scientific Medical Journal 17 (5), 519-527, 2019
بررسی تاثیر محلولهای شستشودهنده اندودنتیک رایج و جدید بر روی میکروهاردنس عاج ریشه دندان
پرنیان علوی نژاد, مهرنوش کاویانی, محمد یزدی زاده, امین خیری, سعید رنجی
Jundishapur Scientific Medical Journal 17 (5), 2018
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