Prof. Dr. khalaf Salloum Gaeid
Prof. Dr. khalaf Salloum Gaeid
Electrical Engineering Department/Tikrit University
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Flight PID controller design for a UAV quadrotor
KSG AL Salih, M Moghavvemi, HAF Mohamed
Scientific Research and Essays 5 (23), 3660-3667, 2010
Modelling and PID controller design for a quadrotor unmanned air vehicle
AL Salih, M Moghavvemi, HAF Mohamed, KS Gaeid
2010 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing …, 2010
Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding-Mode Control into Chattering-Free IM Drive
A Saghafinia, HW Ping, MN Uddin, KS Gaeid
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 1-8, 2014
Wavelet fault diagnosis and tolerant of induction motor: A review
KS Gaeid, HW Ping
International Journal of the Physical Sciences 6 (3), 358-376, 2011
Evaluation of energy-saving potential for optimal time response of HVAC control system in smart buildings
KSS Raad Z.Homod, Khalaf S.Gaeid, Suroor M.Dawood, Alireza Hatami
Applied Energy 271 (115255), 1-20, 2020
Fault diagnosis of induction motor using MCSA and FFT
KS Gaeid, HW Ping, M Khalid, AL Salih
Electrical and Electronic Engineering 1 (2), 85-92, 2011
Diagnosis and Fault Tolerant Control of the Induction Motors Techniques a Review
HWP Khalaf Salloum Gaeid , Haider A.F.Mohamed
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 4 (2), 227-246, 2010
Sensor and sensorless fault tolerant control for induction motors using a wavelet index
KS Gaeid, HW Ping, M Khalid, A Masaoud
Sensors 12 (4), 4031-4050, 2012
Artificial Intelligent Control of Energy Management PV System
AK Takialddin Al Smadi , Ahmed Handam , Khalaf S Gaeid , Adnan Al-Smadi ...
Results in Control and Optimization 100343, 1-12, 2023
Fault tolerant control of induction motor
KS Gaeid, HW Ping
Modern Applied Science 5 (4), 83, 2011
Wavelet Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motor
KS Gaeid, HW HewWooi Ping
MATLAB for Engineers-Applications in Control, IT and Robotics,, 2011
Induction motor fault detection based on multi-sensory control and wavelet analysis
YIAM Ukashatu Abubakar, Saad Mekhilef, Khalaf S. Gaeid, Hazlie Mokhlis
IET Electric Power Applications 14 (11), 2051 – 2061, 2020
Intelligent Controller for 7-DOF Manipulator Based upon Virtual Reality Model
YA Mashhadany, KS Gaeid, MK Awsaj
12th IEEE International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering …, 2020
Describing Functions Approach with PID Controller to Reduce Nonlinear Action
KS Gaeid, RZ Homod, Y Al Mashhadany, T Al Smadi, MS Ahmed, ...
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research (IJEER) 10 (4 …, 2022
Design and Implement of Dual Axis Solar Tracker System Based Arduino
ONM Khalaf S Gaeid, M Nasir Uddin, Mohamed K Mohamed
Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 27 (2), 71-81, 2020
Sliding Mode Control of Induction Motor with Vector Control in Field Weakening
KSGAS Ziad Hussein Salih
Modern Applied Science journal 9 (2), 286 -299, 2015
Wavelet-based prognosis for fault-tolerant control of induction motor with stator and speed sensor faults
S Gaeid
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 1-14, 2014
Induction motor fault detection and isolation through unknown input observer
KS Gaeid, HW Ping
Scientific Research and Essays 5 (20), 3152-3159, 2010
Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding-Mode Control into Chattering-Free Induction Motor Drive
G KS Saghafinia, W. P. Hew, Nasir Uddin
IEEE IAS Annual Meeting, 1-8, 2012
DTC Controller Variable Speed Drive of Induction Motor with Signal Processing Technique
AA Hussien, Y Al Mashhadany, KS Gaeid, MJ Marie, SR Mahdi, ...
2019 12th International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering …, 2019
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Articles 1–20