sylvie Athènes
sylvie Athènes
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Constraints on human arm movement trajectories.
RG Marteniuk, CL Mackenzie, M Jeannerod, S Athenes, C Dugas
Canadian Journal of Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie 41 (3), 365, 1987
Functional relationships between grasp and transport components in a prehension task
RG Marteniuk, JL Leavitt, CL MacKenzie, S Athenes
Human Movement Science 9 (2), 149-176, 1990
ATC complexity and controller workload: Trying to bridge the gap
S Athènes, P Averty, S Puechmorel, D Delahaye, C Collet
Proceedings of the International Conference on HCI in Aeronautics 1, 2002
Mental workload in air traffic control: an index constructed from field tests
P Averty, C Collet, A Dittmar, S Athènes, E Vernet-Maury
Aviation, space, and environmental medicine 75 (4), 333-341, 2004
Evaluating the coordination dynamics of handwriting
S Athenes, I Sallagoïty, PG Zanone, JM Albaret
Human movement science 23 (5), 621-641, 2004
Evaluating a new index of mental workload in real ATC situation using psychophysiological measures
P Averty, S Athenes, C Collet, A Dittmar
Proceedings. The 21st Digital Avionics Systems Conference 2, 7A4-7A4, 2002
The Development of Graphic Skills
J Wann, AM Wing, N Søvik
Academic Press, 1991
Stability of coordination patterns in handwriting: Effects of speed and hand
I Sallagoïty, S Athènes, PG Zanone, JM Albaret
Motor Control 8 (4), 405-421, 2004
Legible, are you sure? an experimentation-based typographical design in safety-critical context
JL Vinot, S Athenes
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2012
Rhythmic menus: toward interaction based on rhythm
S Maury, S Athénes, S Chatty
CHI'99 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 254-255, 1999
Coordination dynamics of elliptic shape drawing: Effects of orientation and eccentricity
J Danna, S Athènes, PG Zanone
Human movement science 30 (4), 698-710, 2011
A note on data smoothing for movement analysis: the relevance of a nonlinear method
D Mottet, BG Bardy, S Athènes
Journal of motor behavior 26 (1), 51-55, 1994
Human factors in ATC alarms and notifications design: an experimental evaluation
S Athènes, S Chatty, A Bustico, R Bustico
Proceedings of the USA/Europe Air Traffic Management R&D Seminar, 1119-1134, 2000
Knowledge-directed coordination in reaching for objects in the environment
S Athènes, AM Wing
Advances in psychology 61, 285-301, 1989
Motor coordination dynamics underlying graphic motion in 7-to 11-year-old children
J Danna, F Enderli, S Athènes, PG Zanone
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 111 (1), 37-51, 2012
L'écriture: le cerveau, l'oeil et la main
C Sirat, J Irigoin, E Poulle
(No Title), 1990
Switching among graphic patterns is governed by oscillatory coordination dynamics: implications for understanding handwriting
PG Zanone, S Athènes
Frontiers in Psychology 4, 662, 2013
Effets des paramètres graphiques sur la perception visuelle: expérimentations sur la forme, la surface, l'orientation des objets et la définition des ecrans
G Tabart, S Athènes, S Conversy, JL Vinot
Proceedings of the 19th Conference on l'Interaction Homme-Machine, 23-30, 2007
Dynamique de coordination spontanée de l'écriture
I Sallagoïty
Université Paul Sabatier-Toulouse III, 2004
Votre attention s’ il vous plait! Éléments d’un espace de conception de signaux visuels
S Chatty, S Athenes, A Bustico
Proceedings de la 11e conférence francophone de l’interaction homme-machine …, 1999
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